John Pote (@JohnHPote)
Thanks everyone for the replies. Interesting that the general drift is in the RTOS direction. Perhaps event driven frameworks are just not generally available or...
I’m interested in finding an event driven framework in C suitable for small embedded microcontrollers such as MSP430, PICs etc. Does anyone know of any or any...
Or even the slightly cheaper TL866IIplus which seems to work OK.What this OP does not seem to have grasped yet is that the devil can be in the data sheet (sometimes...
You said earlier if you wait 32 ms then the packets get through in your micro's software. This indicates something somewhere is running slower than you expect. So...
Do I take it your radio module is part of the PCB that also holds the microcontroller? If so then a loop back may be difficult but from your description may be essential...
From your description it seems to me you have some 'system' level design and investigation to do. One small point is that as you describe how it works you actually...
You do not say why you are doing this project. Are you a student studying on a course or working for a company/business trying to get an old machine working? What...
What voltages do you read on your input pin (P5.0) when the IR photo diode is illuminated and not illuminated? Check the data sheet to make sure the voltage levels...
From your cct and the symptoms you describe the MSP430 (or something else in the launch pad cct) MUST be drawing current through the potential divider Rs to ground....
My answer to your question was of a general nature. I am unfamiliar with the particular processor peripheral you are using so unless someone else knows the answer...
When your program waits at the while(...RXRDY !=1) line has it received any bytes at all? Check with an oscilloscope that the bq76pl455A is sending the correct number...
What do you mean by "Validation Engineer"? Try https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_verificatio... to see the difference between validation and verification. My...
Sounds like you're at the beginning of your embedded career. Welcome.Some good answers already but if you're still learning at college or home then you won't be...
To supplement matthewbarr's comments look at Sec. in your data sheet.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAN_bus migh provide useful information. Also try looking...
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