Dan Harres (@danharres)
So what I'm saying is that your infrared LED needs to be on all the time (just like your "test" LED was on all the time).
Perhaps this is it - as I understand it, you want to turn on a visible LED (on the Launchpad board) whenever your photodiode sees the output of an infrared LED (driven...
Do you have another Launchpad board you could use? I've had port pins blown out, probably from static charge that I had when I was handling them. If no other...
Isn't your MSP430 running off 3.3V? If so, change VCC to 3.3V. I don't think that will solve your problem but you risk destroying input and output ports by connecting...
I've used MSP430 uCs a lot although not the one you're using. One question - what resistor are you using to limit the current going into the LED?
With a 0-3V input signal, you should be able to hear an output. The Rf resistor controls gain of this amplifier and can be increased if you want more output.The...
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