

I just finished Embedded MSc in the Netherlands. I'm mainly here to ask questions.

For RaspberryPi I found this: https://github.com/stephane/libmodbus but I'm trying to understand how I can implement a modbus RTU via U(S)ART for STM32 blue pill....

Re: Recommendation of uC for smart home project.

Reply posted 4 years ago (01/21/2021)
I'll consider the advice, thanks! The place is some kind of depo we've built in the countryside which also has a few rooms for living. It's built as an intermediary...

Recommendation of uC for smart home project.

New thread started 4 years ago
I'm looking into equipment for a smart home project. It involves something like a RPi communicating with various uC attached to sensors and relays (actuators). The...
g+-arm-linux-gnueabihf is for armv7 and up. See here and here. The one in the question is armv5(tej).
I need to cross compile c++ code for an embedded device with the specs shown below with hardware float operations support. Cross compiling from Ubuntu 20.04 without...

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