
Kim Mansfield (@kmansfie)

Kim Mansfield is an embedded software consultant. He has over 25 years experience in industry specializing in small single chip systems with the MSP430 being his processor of choice. He has worked with Motorola, Zilog, and 8051's in C and assembly language. He currently holds a BS in Computer Engineering and an MS in Computer Science.

Interpreters Good and Bad

Kim Mansfield October 24, 20072 comments
InterpretersWhat do you think of when you think of an interpreter? I think of the BASIC (Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) interpreters of the early 80's. There were several varieties. Apple had one for their computers, Radio Shack had a couple of different ones for their TRS-80 computers, and interpreters for small computers of the Era. Microsoft got its start writing BASIC interpreters for these machines.Today we have Java which is used in many applications. It is used...

First Post

Kim Mansfield September 30, 20072 comments

Greetings from Salt Lake City, Utah in the United States. I live in the valley of the mountains. I have 10,000 foot peaks in my back yard. Yes, we have fantastic skiing, maybe you have heard of Snowbird. That resort is 20 miles from my house. There are all kinds of things to do outdoors but, I spend most of my time in front of my computer. Yes, right now I'm in front of it typing this blog. My name is Kim Mansfield I have been working in the embedded software industry for about 27...

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