kunal b (@kunalb)
Hi Ivan,Thanks for responding.I introduced delays between Fatfs calls so as to not rush the SD card and to give it time for its internal memory operations, something...
Hi Tim,Thanks for your analysis.>>>Are you reading this stuff out as fast as you can, or are you giving things time to rest?I dont have a hard requirement...
I'm tring to read microSD card with #MSP430 controller and FatFs in SPI mode.The file on microSD is a 64KB CSV file with entries like these:2/2/2017,11:17:17,120056,250,0,72.8,8.1,8.2,12.1,0.17,0.1...
Thanks. The code I posted is a test code. My aim is to write approx 100 bytes to SD card every 3 secs. So I'm calling f_mount(), f_open() once to initialize the...
I thought creating a new thread for this new problem would be better. So it is posted here: https://www.embeddedrelated.com/thread/1257/
I am trying to connect microSD card (8GB SanDisk SDHC) to MSP430F67791 controller via SPI interface (USCI_B1).
I am using Fatfs library (latest R0.12b) for this....
My file function calls are same as above, except that now I'm calling f_write() 100 times before f_sync() and f_close(). So my code is as follows in a continuous...
Hi, i found that f_sync was not working because of a different problem and f_close was working ok because I tested my firmware under different SD card conditions....
My main() looks like this:f_mount_timeout=10;
do { fMountStatus = f_mount (&myFs, "0:", 1); }
yes,I am using FatFs for my application but as described above, I'm struggling with f_sync() returning FR_DISK_ERR but f_close() working ok.
I used FatFs instead of petit FatFs and wrote same corresponding low level SPI functions for FatFs and did not see the problem. Currently I'm trying to use f_sync()...
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