The Zephyr Project is rapidly emerging as a leading real-time operating system (RTOS). Commonly referred to as "Zephyr", its vision is to be the premier RTOS for connected, resource-constrained devices. Zephyr integreates both open-source and security best practices to ensure a vendor-neutral, secure and reliable platform.
In this webinar, we delve into an introductory exploration of The Zephyr Project RTOS. Attendees will gain insight into the fundamental elements of an RTOS and Zephyr's implementation stands out. We will unpack the key components of Zephyr and offer a roadmap for getting comfortable navigating its codebase.
The session will discuss the intricacies of a Zephyr application, guiding attendees on how to craft their own application, using a "Hello World" application as a demonstration. Finally, we will discuss advanced topics, including how to gain in-depth insights into our firmware using the Memfault framework, which is built right into Zephyr.
Topics covered in this talk will include:
- RTOS overview and review
- The Zephyr Project architecture
- The elements of a Zephyr application
- Advanced "Hello World" demonstration
- Firmware insights

Does HAL driver development and zephyr development get impacted with each zephyr sdk version upgrades?
If I am the vendor who has written the HAL layer code and API's which need to be mapped with the new Zephyr drivers written, any change in Zephyr kernel/core can eventually disrupt every layer all upto the application layer right?
Had similar difficulty for other RTOS (eg:freertos) to where we have to fix to a particular version but seems that may not be acceptable in the long term due to critical fixes or API changes underneath. Whether Zephyr can overcome this challenge?
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