
RTOS Best Practices Workshop (EUROPE Times)

Important dates

  • Registration deadline: January 22, 2023
  • First Live Workshop: January 24, 2023, 7:00pm CET

Real-time Operating Systems (RTOS) have been finding their way into nearly every embedded system both connected and disconnected. They provide a convenient paradigm for designing flexible and scalable systems, interacting with hardware, scheduling tasks and many other capabilities. The problem though is that RTOS best practices are not well documented and even seasoned developers can run into costly and time consuming issues that could have been avoided.

In this workshop, we will explore RTOS best practices, techniques and design patterns. Topics covered in this workshop include but are not limited to:

  • How to select an RTOS
  • Decomposing an application into tasks
  • How to set task priorities
  • Performing a rate monotonic analysis
  • Analyzing application data flow
  • Creating a task/thread model
  • RTOS debugging techniques
  • How to avoid common RTOS design pitfalls
  • RTOS usage in multicore applications
  • Design Patterns
  • Tracing techniques
  • Task coordination and synchronization
  • Managing Memory
  • Creating Processes with the MPU
  • Decoupling and abstracting the RTOS using OSALs

We will also be covering attendee questions and concerns and provide some hands-on and collaborative exercises.

2023 Live Workshop Dates and Times: 

January 24 - 26

European Times: 9 - 12 EST

Recording will be available if unable to attend live.

About The Instructor

Jacob Beningo is an independent consultant and lecturer who specializes in the design of embedded software for resource constrained and low energy mobile devices. He has successfully completed projects across a number of industries including automotive, defense, medical and space. He enjoys developing and teaching real-time and reusable software development techniques using the latest methods and tools. He blogs for DesignNews.com about embedded system design techniques and challenges. Jacob holds Bachelor's degrees in Electrical Engineering, Physics and Mathematics from Central Michigan University and a Master's degree in Space Systems Engineering from the University of Michigan.

How Much?

The registration fee is $190

How to Register?

Click on the register tab located near the top of this page.


Feel free to contact us

Sign up for the course "RTOS Best Practices Workshop (EUROPE Times)" by Jacob Beningo

Cost: $190

Step 1: Your Information

Motivation for taking the course:

Feel free to CONTACT US if you have questions or are having difficulties with the registration procees.