What to See at Embedded World 2019
Again this year, there will be more than 1,000 exhibitors at Embedded World.
Way too many booths/stands to visit them all.
So we went through the full list of exhibitors and tried to identify the ones that we think might be of interest to the EmbeddedRelated community, consisting mostly of Embedded Developers. We ended up with a list of about 150 exhibitors.
To be included in our final and published list, we then asked those exhibitors to fill a short form in which they would tell us a few words about their Embedded World presence (demos, announcements, etc). So far, about 50% of the exhibitors we had identified and contacted went through the trouble of filling out the form, which is pretty good considering how bombarded these people are by all kind of requests. We expect the list to grow a little bit as more vendors become aware of our invitation in their inbox and take the time to fill the form.
You'll notice that we have tried to organize the list of vendors/exhibitors by #hashtags in order to help you find the ones that are relevant to you. This wasn't easy to do and there is certainly room for improvement but I think the hashtags are helpful to navigate the list.
The results of all these efforts is what we find to be, and we hope you'll agree, an interesting list of vendors to consider checking-out.
Without further ado, here's a link to the list and please feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.
What to See at Embedded World 2019

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