Live Streaming from Embedded World!
For those of you who won't be attending Embedded World this year, I will try to be your eyes and ears by video streaming live from the show floor.
I am not talking improvised streaming from a phone, but real, high quality HD streaming with a high-end camera and a device that will bond three internet connections (one wifi and two cellular) to ensure a steady, and hopefully reliable, stream. All this to hopefully give those of you who cannot be there in person a virtual front row seat to what is happening at Embedded World.
The broadcast schedule is a work in progress and will probably remain fluid until the very last minute, just before the doors of EW open.
I am in talks with several vendors who are considering participating in a live streaming session from their stand/booth to show you their cool demos, or to do a live booth tour, or simply to talk about their product(s). Some are a little anxious about the risks involved in going live - no one wants to look bad, be possibly embarrassed. My (biased) opinion is that the EmbeddedRelated community will appreciate the immediacy, the spontaneity and the down to earth side of the vendors who will find the courage to take the plunge and go live. Stay tuned for some announcements.
I am also considering live-streaming the keynotes and several presentations/talks but I need your help to identify the ones that I should focus on.
I have prepared a sheet of almost all the presentations that will be given from the show floor. I will be able to live-stream only a small portion of them all and I would appreciate if you could take a few minutes to help me choose which presentations to focus on by voting for the ones that are of interest to you.
How to vote
Follow this link and you will be directed to a Google Docs page that you should be able to edit.
You will notice a column to the right titled 'Votes'. What I would like you to do is:
- do nothing for presentations you don't care about
- add '+' for the presentations you would like me to live-stream
- add '++' for the presentations you would REALLY like me to live-stream
As you vote, you might notice things changing in real-time as others might be voting at the same time as you are.
Your votes will help me greatly to come up with an optimal live-streaming schedule.
Here's the page where you can vote
And here's a copy of the page (not editable here though).

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