Favorite Software AND Hardware Tools for Embedded Systems Development
Last year, at the Embedded Online Conference, we interviewed the speakers and asked them what were some of their favorite software and hardware tools for Embedded development.
We aggregated all their answers in one insightful video that you can watch here.
Although you should really watch the video in order to get the full picture, I've compiled the following non-exhaustive list for the fun of it (again, I cannot overstate enough how much valuable watching the video will be to you):
Jack Ganssle
- Mix Signal Oscilloscope "A decent mix-signal scope today is a phenomenal tool"
- Software: Metrics Tools, like SourceMonitor or RSM for example
Colin O'Flynn
Dave Nadler
Jacob Beningo
- Logic Analyzer
- Debug probe
- Tracing Tool (Tracealyzer)
- Python for pulling data
James Grenning
Colin Walls
- Piece of paper and a pencil "If you write the code down and think it through before you start before typing it in your IDE, you'll spend less time debugging later"
- Power/Energy Analyzer
Shawn Prestridge
- Embedded Workbench with I-jet
- Oscilloscope & Multimeter
- Wireshark Protocol Analyzer & Total Phase USB Protocol Analyzer
Elecia White
- The Arduino ("or the idea of cheap dev boards")
Miro Samek
- Code comparison tools (Winmerge, Beyond Compare)
- Qt Creator
- Big Screen!
- Logic Analyzer
Don Wilcher
- Colabotary
- Mu for Micropython programming
- Platformio
- Arduino IDE
Max the Magnificient (Clive Maxfield)
- Arduino IDE
- Soldering Iron
- Multimeter
Sergio Prado
- Oscilloscope
- Mutlimeter
- Logic Analyzer
Matt Liberty
Johan Kraft
- Debug probe (J-Link or i-Jet)
- Hex Editor (HxD)
- Version Control (Sourcetree)
Adam Taylor
- Visual Studio Code with Teros for writing VHDL code
- Visio
Tyler Hoffman
- PyCharm and Clion
- Environment manager (Conda)
- Alfred (for clipboard manager, check out the video for why Tyler uses a clipboard manager, very interesting idea!)
Jean Labrosse
- MS Visio and Word for documentation
- IaR Toolchain
- SystemView or Tracealyzer
Kate Stewart
- GCC Compiler
- Any board that can run Zephyr
Niall Cooling
Helen Leigh
- Desoldering pump (engineer ss02)
- Magnetic soldering arms
- Prusa Mini 3d printer with PrusaSlicer
What about you? Please feel free to share what your favorite tools are in the comments system down below, or in this forum thread.

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