Free Sessions @ the 2023 Embedded Online Conference
Although the 2023 Embedded Online Conference will officially start only on Monday 04/24, today we are pre-releasing all Theatre Talks and Demos in order to give attendees a headstart over the weekend on a very busy program.
The good news is, you don't need a paid registration to access theatre talks and demos. All you have to do is create an account on the EOC website and skip the payment part.
Here are the 37 sessions that you can watch for free as of today:
- Making robust FUOTA in ESP32 using Rollback
- I want both: low CPU load and low E2E Latencies
- Power Management in Embedded Systems
- Getting Started with FPGA-based Hardware Design
- How to ShiftLeft in Embedded
- ChatGPT for Embedded Systems - A game changer or Pure hype?
- Fixed-Point Made Easy: A Guide for Newcomers and Seasoned Engineers
- Considerations for Abstraction Based Connectivity Solutions
- Building a Simple Command-Line Interface
- Enabling TrustZone Without the Complications
- Safe Rust Multi-core Development on PSoC Microcontrollers
- Understanding Frequency Response on Mixed-Signal Systems
- Containerize All The Things. For Embedded? Really?
- SDV and the New Moving Computers
- NXP Enabling Industrial Automation
- Adopting an Energy-Saving Mindset for IoT World
- How to do Embedded Development in an Agile Way
- Tips to Boost Your Productivity with Modern RTOSes
- FreeRTOS and AWS IoT ExpressLink: Simplify and fast-track your embedded designs
- How to Keep Your Secret (Key)?
- Holistic prototyping: A systems-level approach to DFM
- Mastering Embedded Systems: Essential Skills and Trends for 2023
- Modern C++ in Embedded Development
- Debugging Embedded Devices at Scale: Effective Techniques for Diagnosis and Resolution
- Embedded Development with Qt: Exploring Use Cases Beyond MCUs and MPUs
- Introduction to Millimeter Wave Radar Technology
- Leveraging DevOps for Streamlined Firmware Delivery
- Improve your Embedded IoT Hardware Today
- Building a Modular Codebase with Zephyr RTOS and Devicetree
- Enabling the Future of IoT with RISC-V Next Generation Processor
- Solving Remote Manufacturing Challenges using the Cloud
- Design Considerations for Robust RF Performance
- Neural Networks: From GPU to MCU
- Smart NFC Sensor Node
- Advanced Debugging and Performance Analysis Techniques for Embedded Applications
- Introducing Modern Embedded Development Flows
- Memfault Demo
In order to access the rest of the program, you'll need to update your account with a paid registration. Here's what you'll get access to if you choose to proceed:
Monday, April 24th - Day 1
Monday, day one of the conference, will start with a few Q&A sessions:
- Live Q&A - NXP Enabling Industrial Automation
- Live Q&A - Embedded Development with Qt: Exploring Use Cases Beyond MCUs and MPUs
Followed by James Grenning TDD Workshop (LIVE). This will be hands-on so make sure to read the description of the workshop before attending:
Followed by a LIVE Q&A session/get-together with most Theatre Talks speakers:
Followed by the first Keynote of the week, presented by Jacob Beningo:
And finally followed by a few more live Q&A sessions:
- Live Q&A - FreeRTOS and AWS IoT ExpressLink: Simplify and fast-track your embedded designs
- Live Q&A with Golioth (Chris Gammell, Mike Szczys and Dylan Swartz)
- Live Q&A - Debugging Embedded Devices at Scale: Effective Techniques for Diagnosis and Resolution
- Live Q&A - Solving Remote Manufacturing Challenges using the Cloud
Tuesday, April 25th - Day 2
Tuesday will start with the on-demand release at 6:00 am EDT of the following sessions:
- Preparing for the Future of Embedded C Programming: An Overview of the Upcoming ISO/IEC 9899:2023 C Standard
- OOP in C
- Mysteries of the Ancients: Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD)
- Embedded Software Programming Rules, Tips and Tricks
- Super-Simple Tasker - Hardware RTOS for ARM Cortex-M
The first Q&A sessions of the day will be:
Followed by the second Keynote of the conference that will be presented by Alina Dima from Amazon AWS:
Followed by the second workshop of the conference that will be presented live by Peifang Zhou:
Followed by a few more Q&A sessions:
- Live Q&A - Embedded Software Programming Rules, Tips and Tricks
- Live Q&A - Super-Simple Tasker - Hardware RTOS for ARM Cortex-M
Wednesday, April 26th - Day 3
Wednesday will start with the on-demand release at 6:00 am EDT of the following sessions:
- An Introduction to The Zephyr Project RTOS
- Challenges and techniques to use Linux in Real-Time Systems
- ML on the Edge: Tradeoffs and Requirements
- AUTOSAR Methodology applied to ECU Diagnostics Architecture and Workflow
Followed by this Q&A session with Mohammed Billoo:
Followed by Dan Boschen's workshop (live):
Followed by the third Keynote of the conference, by none other than Jack Ganssle:
And finally followed by a few more Q&A sessions
- Live Q&A - Challenges and techniques to use Linux in Real-Time Systems
- Live Q&A - ML on the Edge: Tradeoffs and Requirements
- Live Q&A - AUTOSAR Methodology applied to ECU Diagnostics Architecture and Workflow
Thursday, April 27th - Day 4
Thursday will start with the on-demand release at 6:00 am EDT of the following sessions:
- Outsmarting IoT Defense: The Hacker's Perspective
- Using RPI Pico for testing your FPGA Application
- Demystifying Embedded: Techniques for Low-level Testing and Debugging
- Dynamic Memory Allocation & Fragmentation in C/C++
- Embedded Vision: an Introduction
- A Medical Device Primer for Embedded Software Engineers
- ESP32 I/O Primer
Followed by the following Q&A Sessions:
- Live Q&A - Outsmarting IoT Defense: The Hacker's Perspective
- Live Q&A - Using RPI Pico for testing your FPGA Application
- Live Q&A - Demystifying Embedded: Techniques for Low-level Testing and Debugging
- Live Q&A - Dynamic Memory Allocation & Fragmentation in C/C++
Followed by this LIVE Discussion Panel with Pete Warden, Jacob Beningo, Michael Lazarenko, Andre Alcalde and Sree Harsha Angara:
Followed by the highly anticipated keynote on creativity, by Tina Seelig:
And finally followed by a few more Q&A sessions:
- Live Q&A - Embedded Vision: an Introduction
- Live Q&A - A Medical Device Primer for Embedded Software Engineers
- Live Q&A - ESP32 I/O Primer
Friday, April 28th - Day 5
The final, but not the least, day of the conference will start with the usual release of a few talks:
- Hacking FPGAs & SoC FPGAs
- Instrumenting Embedded Applications
- Running Up That HIL: A Guide to Starting with HIL
- Build Versus Buy
- Hardware Security Analysis on Soft-Core RISC-V Processors
- Compile-Time Programming in C++ Using Constexpr
AND also with the release of all the MicroTalks:
- Incremental Rotary Encoders
- Tour of Embedded Systems: What in the World is Going On?
- Embedded C Programming - Why Single Exit Point?
- FOTA-First Approach: a CI/CD Example
- Battery-less IoT devices - An Introduction to Energy Harvesting for Embedded Systems
- Preparing for the Cyber Resilience Act
- Embedded System for IoT in Rural : A Proposed Solution
Followed by a few Q&A sessions in the morning:
- Live Q&A - Hacking FPGAs & SoC FPGAs
- Live Q&A - Instrumenting Embedded Applications
- Live Q&A - Running Up That HIL: A Guide to Starting with HIL
Followed by a live workshop presented by Jacob Beningo:
Followed by a Q&A/get-together session with all MicroTalk speakers:
Finally followed by the last Q&A sessions of the conference:
- Live Q&A - Build Versus Buy
- Live Q&A - Hardware Security Analysis on Soft-Core RISC-V Processors
- Live Q&A - Compile-Time Programming in C++ Using Constexpr
Although this guide is a good overview to better understand how the conference will unfold, we encourage you to consult the schedule on a daily basis and not fully rely on your personal calendars as last-minute changes could happen.
We also strongly encourage you to add the sessions of interest to your Agenda (there are multiple ways to add a session to your agenda, once you have an account on the EOC website). This will help ensure that you don't miss out on any of the valuable content that will be available throughout the week.
Wishing you a very happy and insightful 2023 Embedded Online Conference!

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