
Mike Broom (@Rallygoer)

Electronics Engineer and Embedded Software Engineer with 35 years experience in digital electronics, microprocessors and micro controllers. Broad spectrum of software form mixing desks to 1500MW DC power distribution. And through hole to SMD electronics design, prototype and manufacture.

Re: Questions re Coding Efficiency

Reply posted 3 years ago (03/30/2021)
Maveled is that the lighting used for the eyes of a paranoid android??Or would that be MarveLED

Re: Low level programming

Reply posted 6 years ago (12/04/2018)
The Atmega328 does not really need any init code to get it going. You just need to know the few basics of where the jump vectors are. In its simplest form the reset...

Re: I2C ADV7403

Reply posted 6 years ago (11/15/2018)
Do you need to do the double setup of the read data as detailed here:https://ez.analog.com/video/f/q-a/10794/adv7181c-i...

Re: SPI communication

Reply posted 6 years ago (06/13/2018)
Are you populating an array with the data, or are you using the SPI_Byte_Write function to do this? If you are populating the array before writing it out to the...

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