
Sumit Kumar (@cogwsn)

I am a Postdoc at SnT, University of Luxembourg.

Re: Help with reverse polarity(strange) SMA connector

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/23/2017)
Thanks, it was very much informative! Regards
Hi, I purchased a Digikey ZigBee module and it has a very strange SMA connector(pic-a). Although they have provided an antenna with the module, which is designed...


New thread started 8 years ago
(I posted this first  in dsprelated, then realized that the post is more appropriat here)Hello, I am developing a SDR ZigBee receiver and for testing it, I need...

ZigBee, 802.15.4 and ACK

New thread started 8 years ago
Hi, I read some articles but still I am not able to find a conclusion. Do commercial ZigBee nodes or 802.15.4 PHY based nodes, have ACK mechanism enabled by default...
Its not very common, but yes some smart phones are integrating zigbee modules. 
Hi, In the commercial cell phones mostly we have WiFi, ZigBee and Bluetooth working. I was wondering if they use the same RF front end for sampling the signals...

ZigBee Preamble

New thread started 8 years ago
Hello, In ZigBee (802.15.4), is there a preamble like WiFi (STS, LTS). I have not studied much details, but from first view it looks like there are sequence of...

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