
Sreenivasa Chary (@sreenivasa_chary)

I am an embedded systems engineer - with a BS in electronics and communication and have recently started my own company. We deal with R&D support for embedded product development.

Adding to the valuable review comments by @tcfkat and @hodgec:Always check for ranges of parameters used in functions - either those that are passed to the function...

Re: Industrial RS485 converters

Reply posted 5 years ago (10/09/2019)
If you are looking for robust  and fail-safe RS485 converters for long distance, then i would recommend the Advantech ADAM-485 industrial grade serial to RS485...

Re: Choice of microcontroller for a project

Reply posted 6 years ago (05/14/2019)
@rtomkins - absolutely agree ! Most of the ARM development kits come without the compiler (IAR, Keil, etc) and that is a sad thing. They are very expensive to buy...

Re: MFRC522 Internal buffer

Reply posted 6 years ago (05/02/2019)
The data sheet is quite brief but i will try and explain what i understood.The FIFO is the main interface for the host to send and receive data from the MFRC522....

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