Tom Rogers (@trogers531)
The relevant detail is the meaning, not the representation. In the one-hot state machine representation the meaning of the four bits is the machine’s current state;...
OK, so there’s a few things here...Firstly, the ‘harmonics’ aren’t harmonics in the classical sense; they’re ‘partials’, and their frequency isn’t...
Yup, that’ll work pretty much as described. There’s always that dang problem of dealing with variability of the outside world, even simple stuff like the size...
Hmm. Yup, sounds just right. Very like several systems I’ve done over the years. Something very much like what you’ve described was successfully built into a...
Okay, haven’t been able to get too far into the documentation for Sitara - Beaglebone support packages yet, but it seems pretty clear from the website info that...
I’ll have to take a look at the current distribution appropriate for the Beaglebone hardware architecture, what is included these days, how it should fit into...
It’s been awhile since I did an initial install and configuration of vxWorks, different processors, too. But I still work with these systems every day, and it’s...
The Beaglebone Black WiFi is another recent and interesting option you might consider, but none of the popular hobbiest/evaluation module boards are appropriate...
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