
USB communication

Started by Lilipop13 11 months ago7 replieslatest reply 11 months ago143 views
Hello everyone,Due to multiple parameters, I have chosen to use a USB connection between my card and my different peripherals : - Card : Renesas Rcar H3 starter...

Debugging Embedded Systems - Favorite Tools, Strategies, Best Practices...

Started by stephaneb 6 years ago11 replieslatest reply 11 months ago4762 views
Chances are we can all agree that Embedded (Software) Engineers in general spend a significant amount of their time on debugging. The goal with this discussion...

Recommendation on Choice of RTOS

Started by ukhan 2 years ago7 replieslatest reply 11 months ago389 views
We're targeting to launch a product based on STM32U5. The two potential candidates for the choice of RTOS/middleware we want to decide from are Segger's EmbOS and...

Project feasibility - Police Speed Gun

Started by IloveGraceKelly 11 months ago5 replieslatest reply 11 months ago138 views
Hi everyone,I am currently a rising senior majoring in computer engineering. I wasn't able to secure an internship this summer so I wanted to come up with ideas...

Using both the UART and I2C in the same MSP430 USCI module

Started by Dr_Mark 11 months ago1 replylatest reply 11 months ago117 views
I'm using the MSP430F249 with two USCI modules (0 and 1), which provides four ports (USCIA0&B0 and USCIA1*B1), but it seems there are only two hardware interrupts...

Peripherals use (QSPI, Ethernet, SPI)

Started by Lilipop13 11 months ago6 replieslatest reply 11 months ago168 views
Hello embedded community,I am working on an automotive project where the processing card is already fixed (Renesas Rcar H3 starter kit). It has many peripherals...

Visual Studio vs Visual Studio Code?

Started by MaxMaxfield 12 months ago4 replieslatest reply 12 months ago173 views
I'm confused. I read that Visual Studio (VS is an IDE. I also read that Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a source code editor (is this the editor used in VS?)But...

Embedded Linux guys, report in.

Started by Tahir Rana 1 year ago5 replieslatest reply 1 year ago232 views
I know the potential of Embedded Linux. I am a VHDL designer and have seen people using Petalinux with Xilinx FPGA.I always had some questions regarding Embedded...

MPS430 F_CPU undefined error on compilation

Started by ajmartin 1 year ago8 replieslatest reply 1 year ago382 views
Hell, I am new to the MPS family. Using Code Composer , I get the following error, I think it may be related to a setting in Code Composer I am missing, but I can...

ChatGPT for Embedded Systems Development - Share your Stories Here!

Started by stephaneb 1 year ago7 replieslatest reply 1 year ago655 views
It's only been a couple of months since ChatGPT was launched and the expression 'spreading like a wildfire' isn't strong enough to convey how fast the word is spreading...

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