
Problem in loading file into flash of DP256....

Started by Yogeesh July 3, 2003

We have problems loading our .h12 file into DP256 in Evaluation Board M68KIT9S12DP256.

This is in our '.lkf' file..
+seg .data -b0x800 -m0x1b57 -n.data # data start address
+seg .eeprom -b0x400 # eeprom start address if needed
+def __sbss=@.bss # start address of bss

+seg .bss -b0x2357 -m0x54
+seg .const -b0xc000 -m0xc000 -n.const
+seg .text -b0x19000 -m0x1c000 -n.common
c:/cosmic/cx12/lib/crtsi.h12 # startup file (or crtsi.h12)
c:/cosmic/cx12/lib/libi.h12 # C library (if needed)
c:/cosmic/cx12/lib/libm.h12 # machine library

+seg .const -b 0xffffe -o 0xfffe -s flash # vectors start address
vect_dp256.o # interrupt vectors
+def __memory=@.bss # symbol used by library
+def __stack=0x3FFE # stack pointer initial value
----- Please consider '/' in above lkf file as 'reverse slash'!!!!!! This coolgoose mail editor places a W when 'reverse
slash' is typed in!!! This is chunk of map file generated
Map of val.h12 from link file val.lkf - Wed Jul 02 21:06:13 2003


start 00000800 end 00002357 length 6999 segment .data, initialized
start 0001f492 end 00020fe9 length 6999 segment .data, from
start 00000400 end 00000400 length 0 segment .eeprom
start 00002357 end 00002357 length 0 segment .bss
start 00002357 end 000023ab length 84 segment .bss
start 0000c000 end 0000c62a length 1578 segment .const
start 00019000 end 0001f48a length 25738 segment .common
start 00000000 end 00000789 length 1929 segment .debug
start 000ffffe end 00100000 length 2 segment .const
start 0001f48a end 0001f492 length 8 segment .init

Sizes of object files used in linking...
val.o - 13k
cth.h12 - 110k
crtsi.h12 - 1k
libi.h12 - 19k
libm.h12 - 14k

and the generated val.h12 is 53k.

We are unable to load this program and we are getting following error message while loading this val.h12 thru

"Error while programming flash in area <'.data, from' start address >"

Also we are quite surprised by appearance of ".data. from" segment in the map file eventhough we have not
specified in our lkf file. Could you please explain what is this and why this happens?

Please also guide us in generating lkf file for multiple paged system (as our h12 file is more than a page)?

Compiler and linker options used are...
cx6812 -pxx +debug -no +mcs val.c
clnk -oval.h12 -mval.map -evallnk.err val.lkf

Compiler Version (CX6812) : 4.5i
Linker Version (clnk) : 4.4a
ZAP Version : 3.70a (ICD-paged)



If you have the "data from ...", it means that you certainly called the
_fctcpy() function which copies a moveable code segment in RAM from its
storage location in ROM. For more information, please read the _fctcpy()
function in the chapter 4 and the "Moveable Code" in Chapter 6.

Provided with the compiler, many link files examples allowing the user to
use and build paged and non paged applications. Some can be used to fill up
the pages automatically or manually.

Finally, when downloading an application with Zap, you should check first:

1) Are you using the right cable (Multilink or Cable 12) ? And check also
for the speed.

2) Maybe you need, first to erase the flask and/or eeprom before downloading
the application.

Should you have any question, do not need to contact us.

Best regards,
Thanh-Liem HUA
COSMIC Software

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Yogeesh [mailto:]
Envoy: jeudi 3 juillet 2003 15:27
Objet : [68HC12] Problem in loading file into flash of DP256.... Hi,

We have problems loading our .h12 file into DP256 in Evaluation Board

This is in our '.lkf' file..
+seg .data -b0x800 -m0x1b57 -n.data # data start
+seg .eeprom -b0x400 # eeprom start address if
+def __sbss=@.bss # start address of bss

+seg .bss -b0x2357 -m0x54
+seg .const -b0xc000 -m0xc000 -n.const
+seg .text -b0x19000 -m0x1c000 -n.common
c:/cosmic/cx12/lib/crtsi.h12 # startup file (or
c:/cosmic/cx12/lib/libi.h12 # C library (if
c:/cosmic/cx12/lib/libm.h12 # machine library

+seg .const -b 0xffffe -o 0xfffe -s flash # vectors
start address
vect_dp256.o # interrupt vectors
+def __memory=@.bss # symbol used by library
+def __stack=0x3FFE # stack pointer initial
----- Please consider '/' in above lkf file as 'reverse slash'!!!!!! This
coolgoose mail editor places a W when 'reverse
slash' is typed in!!! This is chunk of map file generated
Map of val.h12 from link file val.lkf - Wed Jul 02 21:06:13 2003


start 00000800 end 00002357 length 6999 segment .data, initialized
start 0001f492 end 00020fe9 length 6999 segment .data, from
start 00000400 end 00000400 length 0 segment .eeprom
start 00002357 end 00002357 length 0 segment .bss
start 00002357 end 000023ab length 84 segment .bss
start 0000c000 end 0000c62a length 1578 segment .const
start 00019000 end 0001f48a length 25738 segment .common
start 00000000 end 00000789 length 1929 segment .debug
start 000ffffe end 00100000 length 2 segment .const
start 0001f48a end 0001f492 length 8 segment .init

Sizes of object files used in linking...
val.o - 13k
cth.h12 - 110k
crtsi.h12 - 1k
libi.h12 - 19k
libm.h12 - 14k

and the generated val.h12 is 53k.

We are unable to load this program and we are getting following error
message while loading this val.h12 thru

"Error while programming flash in area <'.data, from' start address >"

Also we are quite surprised by appearance of ".data. from" segment in the
map file eventhough we have not
specified in our lkf file. Could you please explain what is this and why
this happens?

Please also guide us in generating lkf file for multiple paged system (as
our h12 file is more than a page)?

Compiler and linker options used are...
cx6812 -pxx +debug -no +mcs val.c
clnk -oval.h12 -mval.map -evallnk.err val.lkf

Compiler Version (CX6812) : 4.5i
Linker Version (clnk) : 4.4a
ZAP Version : 3.70a (ICD-paged)


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