
Download Firmware to USBasp

Started by Marteen Samuel January 22, 2009
Hi all,

I was found interest article about USBasp, device that can help us to download our hex file to our AVR microcontroller (www.fischl.de/usbasp)
and I interested to build it.
But when i try to search information about it i don't get any information about how to download the firmware to the device (USBasp).
So, if anyone who had tried or had experience about how to download firmware to USBasp, please tell help me.

Marteen S.
You need an AVR programmer of some sort, then just program it using the
standard hex file provided in one of the firmware packages provided at the
website. I would use an STK500, since that is what I have.

Yes, you must have another working programmer for flash .hex file to your
Thanks for your reply Zack,

So for download the firmware i only need to download the firmware hex file to the flash using parallel port or serial port
like normal hex file download?
Now i was design the schematic of the USBasp circuit, I found in original schematic circuit that there isn't a jumper in the parallel programming (pin 2) port but after search more information from another design I found that some of them using jumper in the parallel port.
My question should i put jumper in there?

The Readme file (instructions) for the USBasp say "J2 Jumper for
firmware upgrade (not self-upgradable) Set this jumper for flashing
the ATMega(4)8 of USBasp with another working programmer."

I haven't built this yet, but it appears you can easily program the
mega(4)8 in-circuit by shorting this jumper.
