
Looking to rent/buy Intel 80C186XL emulator

Started by F;,VN[OWIR January 12, 2004
I would like to rent or buy (1 month period) an in-circuit emulator for the
Intel 80C186XL processor. I need it for about 1 month. Doers someone have
one they could rent me or sell or could you refer me to a company that
carries them. The manufacturer of the emulator is unimportant.

thank you

F;,VN[OWIR wrote:

> I would like to rent or buy (1 month period) an in-circuit emulator for > the Intel 80C186XL processor. I need it for about 1 month. Doers someone > have one they could rent me or sell or could you refer me to a company > that carries them. The manufacturer of the emulator is unimportant. > > thank you
I have Paradigm Locate, Paradigm Debug, and Paradigm PDREMOTE, with manual. Do those software help?