
embedded Firewire

Started by Michael Schuster February 8, 2007
I'm searching for a embedded Firwire hardware. I know the TI controller, but
wwonder if there is a cool web page to start with the basiscs of Firewire,
eespecially for a start in an embedded system.

Thanks for any hint, 
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Michael Schuster <schusterSoccer@enertex.de> wrote in

> I'm searching for a embedded Firwire hardware. I know the TI > controller, but wwonder if there is a cool web page to start with the > basiscs of Firewire, eespecially for a start in an embedded system.
Oxford has some interesting-looking higher functions: http://www.oxsemi.com/products/storage/index.html
Kenneth Porter wrote:

> http://www.oxsemi.com/products/storage/index.html
Thanks, I've checked it and seems rather cool. Michael -- Remove the sport from my address to obtain email www.enertex.de - Innovative Systeml&#4294967295;sungen der Energie- und Elektrotechnik