

Started by Surya February 21, 2007
I am developing an FPGA application which works in series with a main
processor which is running an RTOS(VxWorks). Since my inputs and
outputs are to and from that processor, should i be using any RTOS?

Kindly clarify. thanks in advance.


Surya wrote:
> I am developing an FPGA application which works in series with a main > processor which is running an RTOS(VxWorks). Since my inputs and > outputs are to and from that processor, should i be using any RTOS?
That depends on factors besides the FPGA. A possible impact is the maximum latency to service an I/O request, which an RTOS could make better or worse. -- Thad
On 2007-02-21, Surya <aswingopalan@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am developing an FPGA application which works in series with a main > processor which is running an RTOS(VxWorks). Since my inputs and > outputs are to and from that processor, should i be using any RTOS?
Only the person who is writing the application code can decided whether it would benefit from using an RTOS. So you tell us, will you benefit from an RTOS? -- Grant Edwards grante Yow! Yow! Is my fallout at shelter termite proof? visi.com