

Started by darknightx April 8, 2008

I would like to know if there is a guide, or someone could explain me,
which are the steps to configure the MSP-FET430UIF (U80) in Ubuntu.
I have the mspgcc compiler working, so I generetad a .o and .elf files
from a basic source code, but I had no luck downloading the code to the
I tried to use msp430-gdb but my software never worked.
Is someone familiar to what Im doing? If someone need more info to help me
please ask.


On Apr 8, 5:04 pm, "darknightx" <erickelm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi > > I would like to know if there is a guide, or someone could explain me, > which are the steps to configure the MSP-FET430UIF (U80) in Ubuntu. > I have themspgcccompiler working, so I generetad a .o and .elf files > from a basic source code, but I had no luck downloading the code to the > MCU. > I tried to use msp430-gdb but my software never worked. > Is someone familiar to what Im doing? If someone need more info to help me > please ask. > > Thanks
I've really never messed with msp430-gdb, but I've had great luck with msp430-jtag. You can mass-erase and download the file over jtag with 'msp430-jtag - e executable.elf' I am however having problems with this on my new board. I just switched to a series 2 part for my latest project (msp430f2232) and can't get JTAG to talk. Its msp430-jtag version 2.3 which was bundled with mspgcc-20070216.exe. I'm using Cygwin on Windows.