
Bad support from Olimex: LPC-2378STK with various rev. micros

Started by engsistemi March 20, 2010
We are a team of designers who have worked for many years on dev boards for micro-controllers from various manufacturers: Analog Devices, Texas Instruments, Freescale, Embedded Artists and recently Olimex. In July 2009 we bought a couple of Olimex LPC-2378STK from the Italian distributor. The boards have been shipped in identical boxes, bearing the words LPC-2378-STK-A. Inside the box the boards were marked both as Olimex: LPC-2378-STK (C) 2008 Rev.C. So they looked identical to us...
We began to develop firmware in late 2009 and early 2010 on one of two boards, in order to adapt the FreeRTOS porting originally written for the Keil MCB2368 board, modifying it for the Olimex LPC2378-STK board. Mission successful: the porting works.
Then, as per our policy, we repeated the same procedure on the other board: nothing to do, exactly the same project was not working. After weeks of failed attempts and many headaches, we have come to compare the 2 boards, chip by chip, and then we have found the secret: on one board (the one that doesn't work) is mounted an LPC2378 rev. '-' (i.e. before rev. 'A') while on the other board (the one that is working) an LPC2378 rev. 'B'. It may seem trivial but it is not, as we just discovered checking the document LPC2378 Erratasheet from NXP (http://ics.nxp.com/support/documents/microcontrollers/pdf/errata.lpc2378.pdf): the review '-' has several bugs that were fixed in later revisions (in 2007 NXP has already shipped the 'B' rev., in 2009 the 'D' rev.) Among the others, the MAC port management and MAM, strength of the LPC2000 series; we cannot use it on the review '-'. In practice, we bought two different products that are presented as equal by Olimex; on each of them it's necessary to write different instructions. Furthermore, when we'll go into production with boards designed by us, we'll have to rewrite the firmware again, because currently micros that are for sale (Digikey, Farnell, etc, etc.) are, of course, in rev. 'D' (By the way, why did we receive one '-' rev. and one 'B' rev. in July 2009 ?)
We asked our Italian reseller to exchange at least the rev. '-' board with a rev. 'B' board, but the bare support was: "I suggest you apply directly to Olimex".
The support from Olimex has been:
"We always are among the first who offer development boards with the newest microcontrollers. This is what our customers expect from us, so we usually receive among the first ICs which the silicon vendor produce. I hope you will understand that we and all our distributors can't throw away in the garbage can all the ICs and products we have each time NXP or somebody else change revision from - to A, or from A to B. We can't do this nor we can control what mix of boards are in our stock or in our distributors stock. I hope you understand that every microcontroller have bugs, be sure even the revision D you got have bugs and soon there will be revision E on the market.
Best regards
Tsvetan / Olimex"
The support from NXP has been:
"Sorry to hear you had to go through all this time and trouble. From NXP point of view all i can say is that we try to make our devices bug free. So errata fixes are always nicely documented and published. From the moment we have a new revision we never produce or sell older rev parts.
However, It can happen that third party tool vendors and distributors still have older stuff in stock, which they deliver.
So always check errata sheets and revisions . . ."
Moreover, having we taught last year the course "Microprocessors and microcontrollers, SoC ARM", for the Master of Science in Electronic Engineering at the Universitdegli Studi Roma Tre, we were assuming the use of LPC2378-STK boards, but after that we can't: the students could receive many boards mounting different micros.
It's a shame for the NXP Semiconductors; so much effort to bring the LPC2378 from rev. '-' to rev. 'D', but customers are still receiving rev. '-'.
Just to be clear, the biggest problem here is not to have the latest version of the micro: we do not claim that. We just would like to know what we are going to receive and we just would receive all boards with the same revision. We have many developers working in a team and we can't afford a project made of different firmware because of different boards. This is not for joke, it's a matter of time-to-market.


An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series


> Just to be clear, the biggest problem here is not to have the latest
> version of the micro: we do not claim that. We just would like to know
> what we are going to receive and we just would receive all boards with
> the same revision. We have many developers working in a team and we
> can't afford a project made of different firmware because of different
> boards. This is not for joke, it's a matter of time-to-market.

I believe you will find that there are still Keil board in the channel
that have rev '-' devices on them. That happened to us last year with a


The guys at lpctools were shipping Keil boards with rev '-' silicon and
then bundling in a free rev 'B' part so you could "just swap them over".
Great for those that can, but I can't do that.

I don't think it's unreasonable of Tsvetan to decline to change the board
as his contract is with the distributor, not you directly; I assume you
did specify the revision of the chip to use in your order? It is up to
the distributor to smooth the situation, if they wish to.

I have a lot of boards that purport to be the same with different chip
revisions on them. Everybody was wanting LPC2300 when they came out and
were delayed, and buggy, and were happy to take rev '-' parts. I believe
the MAM problems were actually exposed in a great piece of detective work
by a group member here. And I've suffered from an errata on the 2148 that
wasn't documented, but is now. Now we specify particular chip revisions
when ordering parts.

You just need to take this stuff on the chin as part of uC life. NXP
would get slated if they didn't work to correct bugs, and because they do,
you have different chip revisions to work with and that are on eval boards
in the channel.

Paul Curtis, Rowley Associates Ltd http://www.rowley.co.uk
CrossWorks V2 is out for LPC1700, LPC3100, LPC3200, SAM9, and more!
Greetings all,

You got my attention by mentioning LPC2148. What's the clue to
matching revision numbers with errata sheets?

I've been experiencing problems recently with LPC2148 chips that have
one or two bad pin functions and don't know if it's our handling
processes or bad chips.



On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 3:15 AM, Paul Curtis wrote:
> Hi,
>> Just to be clear, the biggest problem here is not to have the latest
>> version of the micro: we do not claim that. We just would like to know
>> what we are going to receive and we just would receive all boards with
>> the same revision. We have many developers working in a team and we
>> can't afford a project made of different firmware because of different
>> boards. This is not for joke, it's a matter of time-to-market.
> I believe you will find that there are still Keil board in the channel
> that have rev '-' devices on them. That happened to us last year with a
> customer.
> The guys at lpctools were shipping Keil boards with rev '-' silicon and
> then bundling in a free rev 'B' part so you could "just swap them over".
> Great for those that can, but I can't do that.
> I don't think it's unreasonable of Tsvetan to decline to change the board
> as his contract is with the distributor, not you directly; I assume you
> did specify the revision of the chip to use in your order? It is up to
> the distributor to smooth the situation, if they wish to.
> I have a lot of boards that purport to be the same with different chip
> revisions on them. Everybody was wanting LPC2300 when they came out and
> were delayed, and buggy, and were happy to take rev '-' parts. I believe
> the MAM problems were actually exposed in a great piece of detective work
> by a group member here. And I've suffered from an errata on the 2148 that
> wasn't documented, but is now. Now we specify particular chip revisions
> when ordering parts.
> You just need to take this stuff on the chin as part of uC life. NXP
> would get slated if they didn't work to correct bugs, and because they do,
> you have different chip revisions to work with and that are on eval boards
> in the channel.
> --
> Paul Curtis, Rowley Associates Ltd http://www.rowley.co.uk
> CrossWorks V2 is out for LPC1700, LPC3100, LPC3200, SAM9, and more!
On Sat, 20 Mar 2010 10:34:38 -0000, David Smead

> Greetings all,
> You got my attention by mentioning LPC2148. What's the clue to
> matching revision numbers with errata sheets?

The errata sheets tell you how to identify which chip revision you have
from the markings on the chip.

Unfortunately, there's no guaranteed method to detect chip revision from

Paul Curtis, Rowley Associates Ltd http://www.rowley.co.uk
CrossWorks V2 is out for LPC1700, LPC3100, LPC3200, SAM9, and more!
Hi Paul,

--- In l..., "Paul Curtis" wrote:

I just asked Farnell about Olimex rev. boards. They can't guarantee anything about revision of micros. It's always a surprise !

> The guys at lpctools were shipping Keil boards with rev '-' silicon and
> then bundling in a free rev 'B' part so you could "just swap them over".
> Great for those that can, but I can't do that.
Good to know, we are going to do that buying micros on DigiKey.

> I assume you
> did specify the revision of the chip to use in your order?
No we didn't, that's our fault.
Thanks for your suggestions.
We'll follow them.


I guess I missed something! How is it "Bad support from Olimex"? They buy some chips, build some boards and send them down the pipeline. They buy some more chips, build some more boards and send them along as well. That NXP changes the chip revision level is hardly the fault of Olimex and Olimex could hardly justify trying to purchase 'down-level' chips just to maintain backwards compatibility.

If the chips were right in the first place, there wouldn't be so many revisions. It seems to me the problems are created by NXP in their rush to market.

Let me phrase the problem differently: why would anybody design in a rev '-' chip when they can predict with near certainty that there will be a rev 'D' in the near future? That's the whole problem with 'bleeding edge' technology. Let the chip mature in the marketplace by a year or so. Let other developers discover the glitches.

If it weren't for Olimex boards, I wouldn't be able to play with any of this technology. It certainly isn't feasible to build one-off PCBs for each of the various devices of interest.


--- In l..., "rtstofer" wrote:
> I guess I missed something!
May be...

> They buy some chips, build some boards and send them down the pipeline.
Yes, and we suppose they received all micros at the same rev. level. So, they could mark their boards with a unique rev. ID.

> They buy some more chips, build some more boards and send them along as well.
Ok, if they just changed the boards rev. ID, all customers could know that.

>Let the chip mature in the marketplace by a year or so. Let other developers discover the glitches.
Let's do a brief calculus: from 2007 (B rev. from NXP) to 2009 (Olimex boards sold to us), that is... 2 years !
Is it enough time to receive B rev. micros ?

> If it weren't for Olimex boards, I wouldn't be able to play with any of this technology.
We were used to buy from many other vendors. Never found these problems: we need clear documentation and transparency.
As we do for our customers; they too expect from us repeatable products, not a mixture of features.


On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 6:37 PM, Eng wrote:

> --- In l... , "rtstofer"
> wrote:
> >
> > I guess I missed something!
> May be...
> > They buy some chips, build some boards and send them down the pipeline.
> Yes, and we suppose they received all micros at the same rev. level. So,
> they could mark their boards with a unique rev. ID.

I had the exact same problem with Olimex in September last year, when I
ordered two STR-E912 boards from them, and they sent one with an obsolete
STR912FW44 chip (quite a buggy silicon) instead of the current, in
production revision (STR912FAW44). One could probably argue that I didn't
ask for a specific version of the chip, but I must admit that I didn't even
consider that they'll use a chip declared obsolete by the manufacturer. So,
you're not the only one with this problem ...

--- In l..., "Eng" wrote:

> We were used to buy from many other vendors. Never found these problems: we need clear documentation and transparency.
> As we do for our customers; they too expect from us repeatable products, not a mixture of features.
> engsistemi

If your other vendors don't have these issues, why are you buying from Olimex and/or NXP? This has come up before with many suggestions to use other chip manufacturers. Personally, I don't believe for a minute that another manufacturer is any better but I haven't tried them all.

An Olimex board revision level doesn't necessarily imply a chip revision. Nor does a change in chip revision necessarily imply a board revision. In my view they are separate issues.

But how hard is it to look at the chip and see the revision letter?

What is really funny is that, given the hundreds of registers in a chip, there isn't one where you can easily get revision information and make the software adaptive. How hard can it be?

You're right about the revision calculus. So why are you using a chip that is less than 5 years old? Of course, if you wait for the final revision you will also receive the end-of-life notice.

Everybody wants to be on the 'bleeding-edge' but nobody wants to bleed!

On Sat, 20 Mar 2010 17:33:49 -0000, rtstofer wrote:

> Everybody wants to be on the 'bleeding-edge' but nobody wants to bleed!

Absolutely--spot on! Well said.

Paul Curtis, Rowley Associates Ltd http://www.rowley.co.uk
CrossWorks V2 is out for LPC1700, LPC3100, LPC3200, SAM9, and more!