
IAR Assembler vs GCC Assembler

Started by scientist_emiel July 23, 2003

I am currently using the IAR Workbench (Kickstart package) to develop 
code for the MSP430F147.  The project consists of a main C routine 
and a number of Assembler functions called by this main routine.

As you all know, the Kickstart linker can only handle about 2k of C 
code which is quite limiting.  The other option is to use GCC.  I 
would like to know if it is possible to mix C and Assembler with GCC 
as it is with the IAR compiler and where can I find a list of 
msp430-as directives?


Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

yes, you can mix C and Assembler with gcc (gnu tools). However, you cant
iar's and gnu binaries cause of different regs allocation scheme.
documentation and examples are available through mspgcc.sf.net.


On Wednesday 23 July 2003 12:38, scientist_emiel wrote:
> Hi
> I am currently using the IAR Workbench (Kickstart package) to develop
> code for the MSP430F147.  The project consists of a main C routine
> and a number of Assembler functions called by this main routine.
> As you all know, the Kickstart linker can only handle about 2k of C
> code which is quite limiting.  The other option is to use GCC.  I
> would like to know if it is possible to mix C and Assembler with GCC
> as it is with the IAR compiler and where can I find a list of
> msp430-as directives?
> Thanks,
> Emiel
> .
> ">http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

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