
Pic C library + tutorials

Started by ih_sydney_2003 April 28, 2008
Hi all,

I've built up a few libraries for accessing different devices and have
published them for everyone to enjoy. As I've been working through the
code and tidying it up, I've been writing tutorials on how to use it.
All tutorials cover a BoostC project with everything in it ready to go.
All routines are safe with read-before-write 16f device pins and include
a "config" concept so you can use #defines to decide port and pins for
each device.

There are tutorials, demos and full documentation so far on
* Introduction to Pics, making things flash
* Compiling for Pics, the BoostC compiler
* Bootloading, including modified Sparkfun bootloader (the
"boostloader") that compiles under BoostC and works with BoostC apps >
2k, automatically moves the boot vector and supports 18f Pics
* Screamer, modified Sparkfun windows app for downloading to the
boostloader (much faster than the original)
* Solid interrupt driven serial routines with fifo tx/rx
* 4 bit interface for LCDs
* Timers and helper routines
* i2c communications
* LM75 temperature sensor
There are also libraries for
* Interrupt driven routines for Nordic nrf2401a and nrf24L01
* DS1307 real time clock
* SHT15 temperature and humidity sensor
* HC4 4 digit led display
* SPI routines
* SPI (modified) to work with Sure electronics large 7 seg displays and
5x7 led arrays
* Meshed multi-hop packet RF networks (on top of the Nordic chips)
As I work through this code and tidy it up, I'll add tutorials for these
as well. Eventually I'll get to porting some examples to the Novo RTOS
as well.

I'd be interested in your feedback and input into the libraries. I've
learnt a great deal from people out there on the net, and while I'm sure
there are still many bugs, I hope these will help others get started
quicker and enjoy using microcontrollers and SparkFun widgets as much as
I have.

The web site is http://embeddedadventures.blogspot.com

kind regards