
pic burner for 16F84

Started by ydexter October 18, 2002

I searched the web for a burner compatible with 16F84. I'm a beginner
and I don't know wich to choose, they are so many. I need a proper
one, not to complicated. Why some schematics are so simple ant the
others are much complex? For the recomended burner i need the software
app to upload the code into PIC.

Maybe will be useful to recomend me some linux suite for this pic model.
What is good, a serial or a parallel programming?

look, what u need is to make a TE-20 Programmer. I have made it 5 weeks ago
and it's works perfectly. The idea is to use de MPLAB 5.0 software from
Microchiop.com to write your program, and debug it. Once you r sure the
program works ok you jiust simple compile it generating a .HEX file. Then,
with the free software ICPROG, that have to ve configurated with the JDM
programmer you can read that hex file and write it to the PIC. I suppose you
have some place to probe your circuits, these programmer TE-20 only works
for that, write your programs in those pics. But, it is very easy to
construct a circuit for your testing. If you want to construct the TE-20,
just look for it in google or webcrawler (i found it there), but if you have
problems when you mant to write your programs just tellme, i have all the
info for chech the board and make it work right.
----- Original Message -----
From: "ydexter" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 6:12 AM
Subject: [piclist] pic burner for 16F84 > Hello!
> I searched the web for a burner compatible with 16F84. I'm a beginner
> and I don't know wich to choose, they are so many. I need a proper
> one, not to complicated. Why some schematics are so simple ant the
> others are much complex? For the recomended burner i need the software
> app to upload the code into PIC.
> Maybe will be useful to recomend me some linux suite for this pic model.
> What is good, a serial or a parallel programming? >
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