
POT command question...

Started by clayforge October 25, 2005
When using the POT command in PicBasic Pro to read a potentiometer,
does the pin that the potentiometer is attached to have to have ADC, or
can any I/O pin be used?



clayforge wrote:
> When using the POT command in PicBasic Pro to read a potentiometer,
> does the pin that the potentiometer is attached to have to have ADC, or
> can any I/O pin be used?

In old picbasic it used a digital io pin, it sent the pin low, switched
the pin to an input, and timed how long it took to go back to a high
level via a cap/resistor network. this (timed)value was returned.

never used it though!

It can be any pin with the possible exception of the open collector
pin. usually portA.4 I believe.
----- Original Message -----
From: clayforge
To: p...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 8:55 PM
Subject: [piclist] POT command question...

When using the POT command in PicBasic Pro to read a potentiometer,
does the pin that the potentiometer is attached to have to have ADC, or
can any I/O pin be used?



Just wanted to say thanks for the answer! I appreciate the help.

--- In piclist@picl..., "clayforge" <festave@t...> wrote:
> When using the POT command in PicBasic Pro to read a potentiometer,
> does the pin that the potentiometer is attached to have to have ADC, or
> can any I/O pin be used?
> Thanks!
> Scott