
Communications with Dweet, Web based data sharing, BL2100

Started by "dav...@epsiloncompany.com [rabbit-semi]" August 10, 2016
I would like to establish a link to a data sharing site like Dweet.IO. I have built a prototype around an Arduino platform (which works). Now I would like to move it into a BL2100. It will require access to the Internet and be able to send HTTP request (GET) like below.

Here is what Dweet recommends:

To dweet from your thing, simply call a URL like:
https://dweet.io/dweet/for/my-thing-name?hello=world https://dweet.io/dweet/for/my-thing-name?hello=world

Just replace my-thing-name with a unique name. That's it!
Any query parameters you add to the request will be added as key-value pairs to the content of the dweet. For example: https://dweet.io/dweet/for/my-thing-name?hello=world&foor https://dweet.io/dweet/for/my-thing-name?hello=world&foor

The key-value pairs are my data values. I can read this by using Freeboard.io as a data retrievel site. This will ultimately be used for remote data monitoring.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have Dynamic C 9.62. There may be a sample to get me started.

Thanks, David

Start with the "HTTP Client" sample (and underlying library). They can handle easily handle that.

On Aug 10, 2016, at 9:28 AM, d...@epsiloncompany.com [rabbit-semi] wrote:

> I would like to establish a link to a data sharing site like Dweet.IO. I have built a prototype around an Arduino platform (which works). Now I would like to move it into a BL2100. It will require access to the Internet and be able to send HTTP request (GET) like below.
> Here is what Dweet recommends:
> To dweet from your thing, simply call a URL like:
> https://dweet.io/dweet/for/my-thing-name?hello=world
> Just replace my-thing-name with a unique name. That's it!
> Any query parameters you add to the request will be added as key-value pairs to the content of the dweet. For example:https://dweet.io/dweet/for/my-thing-name?hello=world&foor
> The key-value pairs are my data values. I can read this by using Freeboard.io as a data retrievel site. This will ultimately be used for remote data monitoring.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have Dynamic C 9.62. There may be a sample to get me started.
> Thanks, David