Imagine Conference

Building a parallel port ICP adapter

Started by "leg.strong" in LPC90014 years ago 13 replies

Hi, everybody! I am trying to build a parallel port ICP adapter. I think it will be quite usefull and low cost. But I can not read data from...

Hi, everybody! I am trying to build a parallel port ICP adapter. I think it will be quite usefull and low cost. But I can not read data from the device(LPC9107), the data line is always high when read. What may be the problem? To get in programming mode the RESET pin has to have a sequence of 7 pulses after the rising edge of VDD and the RST high time must between 1-32us, which is e...

PWM on LPC936

Started by slavkok in LPC90015 years ago 5 replies

Hello.. I Try to setup CCU PWM unit in LPC936 but cant get it working. Timer 0/1 as pwm works great but I need more PWM's The unit is...

Hello.. I Try to setup CCU PWM unit in LPC936 but cant get it working. Timer 0/1 as pwm works great but I need more PWM's The unit is clocked with 18MHz external crystal. So I intend to use CCLK (18MHz) as CCU clk as PLL can't be set correctly with crystal over 16MHz. Or I'm wrong? Pin P2.1 is set as Pushpol output and folowed code should 50%/50% cycle but it's on LOW all the time ...

ISP on LPC936

Started by Sutton Mehaffey in LPC90016 years ago 4 replies

Anyone done ISP on a 936? On the app. note AN10258, there is a statement that says 'To control VDD, a PNP transistor is needed, because P2.3...

Anyone done ISP on a 936? On the app. note AN10258, there is a statement that says 'To control VDD, a PNP transistor is needed, because P2.3 cannot supply enough current for the LPC9xx during programming.' Can I just supply 3.3V all the time to the 936 and not connect P2.3 to my board? Problems with that? Sutton ------------------------------------

LPC938 ADC code problems - porting from Keil

Started by evsource_com in LPC90016 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I'm sort of new at the LPC micros, but have some code apparently compiled with the Keil compiler for a lPC938. I've got...

Hi, I'm sort of new at the LPC micros, but have some code apparently compiled with the Keil compiler for a lPC938. I've got everything compiling fine, except for the ADC code. The relevant portions of the code are this: (line 80): res = (XBYTE[AD0DAT0L_ADDR] <

I thing you can help me! My LPC935 don't answer to me!!!

Started by in LPC90017 years ago 1 reply

Hello, I'm a new LPC935 user and for my first application, my microcontroller BUG, where is the problem??? (Sorry for my bad English, I've some...

Hello, I'm a new LPC935 user and for my first application, my microcontroller BUG, where is the problem??? (Sorry for my bad English, I've some difficulties with this language) Explanation: First, I'm developing my program direct in assembler with =B5vision3.=20 It's a easy program to verify if my =B5C do it correctly but I've no output :( The program : org 0000h ljmp start =09 or...

problem with P89LPC922

Started by goossensd in LPC90017 years ago 6 replies

Hi, I have a problem with programming P89LPC922. I use ISP, i can programm it 1 time then i cannot programm it again. If i change the...

Hi, I have a problem with programming P89LPC922. I use ISP, i can programm it 1 time then i cannot programm it again. If i change the processor, i can programm it 1 time then it's all. The processor doesn't respond on TX. Do you have an idea of what appends? Thanks a lot David

LPC954 info

Started by Fausto Marzoli in LPC90017 years ago 1 reply

Hi all! I need to know the MFGID, ID1 and ID2 for the new LPC954 device. I suppose that MFGID = 15H and ID1 = DDH, but ID2? Is there an...

Hi all! I need to know the MFGID, ID1 and ID2 for the new LPC954 device. I suppose that MFGID = 15H and ID1 = DDH, but ID2? Is there an updated ICP_LPC9xx_v27.pdf (P89LPC900 In-Circuit Programming Specifications) available? On the user manual I read that the P89LPC952/954 program memory consists 1 kB sectors. This is true for LPC952 (8K total flash), but the only other LPC900 devi...

Crystal oscillator doesn't work on P89LPC936

Started by pyalpc936 in LPC90018 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I'm using a P89LPC936 with a 12MHz crystal (SMD case HC49/4H) The uC doesn't always start. It seems that oscillation level is too small...

Hi, I'm using a P89LPC936 with a 12MHz crystal (SMD case HC49/4H) The uC doesn't always start. It seems that oscillation level is too small (0.5V to 1.6V with 3.3V Vdd). Also it seems to work fine with a classic crystal (not SMD). The reason could be that classic crystal have serie resistance (about 10 ohms) much lower then SMD crystal (about 30 ohms). And the 89LPC936 doesn't have enou...

LPC952 datasheet error (Serial port 1)

Started by Fausto Marzoli in LPC90018 years ago 1 reply

I just found an error in the P89LPC952 User Manual (Rev.00), and also in the reg952.h header file that you can download from the Keil...

I just found an error in the P89LPC952 User Manual (Rev.00), and also in the reg952.h header file that you can download from the Keil website. The error is in the serial port 1 control register: S1CON correct address is B6H, while at pages 55 and 58 it's indicated as B5H. Fortunately you can find it correctly indicated as B6H at page 15. As I said, the error is also in the keil C51 re...

Emulation with EPM900 and 89LPC936 target

Started by pyalpc936 in LPC90019 years ago 1 reply

It seems that the bondout chip on the EPM900 is a 89LPC932. The LPC932 don't have analog fonctions and is code limited. Is there a boundout...

It seems that the bondout chip on the EPM900 is a 89LPC932. The LPC932 don't have analog fonctions and is code limited. Is there a boundout chip for the P89LPC936 ? And where can we find it (distributors ?) Thanks ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> =20 Home is just a click away.=A0 Make Yahoo! your home page now. http://us.click.yahoo.com/DHchtC/3FxN

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Imagine Conference