Imagine Conference

Lower your Expectations

Stephane BoucherMarch 26, 20196 comments

This Friday, I will for the first time be the person in front of the camera, the star of my own show on EmbeddedRelated.tv.  I will be experimenting with talking live to the *Related sites community, using the 'Free Goodies' prize draw as a pretext.  

This could become a very effective way to communicate with you and part of me is genuinely excited and really looking forward to go live.

But there is another part of me that is slightly terrified.  

Unlike writing a blog post, where I can re-work each sentence until I think I will come across as clever and professional as possible, now you'll get to see me raw, unfiltered and exposed.   

So if you intend to tune-in, one thing you could do to make it easier for me would be to lower your expectations.  On Friday, you'll know that you've lowered your expectations enough if:

  • the first thing that strikes you is how handsome I look,     
  • the second thing that strikes you is that the very strong French-Canadian accent is not as bad as you thought it would be and you can still comprehend a good 25% of what is said with only a mild headache resulting from the extra focusing efforts needed,
  • you are (slightly) impressed by my public speaking skills, despite the numerous hesitations, long silences, awkward moments, unfinished sentences, made-up words and bad jokes.

In all seriousness though, there's definitely a risk that I will make a fool of myself but hopefully I will get better at it with every iteration and eventually reach a point where these live sessions will be the talk of the town.

On the menu for this first live session:

  • TGIF - I might open a beer 'live' to celebrate the event of this first live broadcast and to help me relax a bit.  My capacity to talk in English usually improves slightly after one beer but decreases quite fast after the second. 
  • A couple of winners will be drawn
  • I will share my vision and a few ideas for upcoming live-streaming sessions.
  • I will answer your live comments/questions if I get any.

Couple of extra warnings:

I will be broadcasting from my house in Eastern Canada.  If you are lucky enough you might spot in the window passing by in my backyard, a moose or a bear or a mounted police or Justin Trudeau.  Good luck!

Our family cat might interfere once in a while - this will make for great tv if you like cats.  If you don't, please make sure to be mentally prepared to the eventuality.  

In the hope that you'll tune-in with very low expectations and in the meantime, I wish you a productive week. 

Imagine Conference
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Comment by jorickMarch 26, 2019

Uh oh...now I have high expectations for low expectations...

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Comment by stephanebMarch 26, 2019

Haha, I am so confused and not sure if this is a good thing or not!

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Comment by qasim_chaudhariMarch 27, 2019

The introduction to this event is so interesting that I'm looking forward to it : )

You should write non-tech stuff more often.



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Comment by charupandeMarch 29, 2019

Such a candid and interesting introduction! All the best!

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Comment by LWB78750April 1, 2019

Back in the early 2000's I had my own company. I was ask to be on access tv here in Austin a couple of times. I hated it!  IMO It's REALLY hard for me to "talk" to just a camera. I don't know how some of the "YouTube" people do it. I need to "see" those I'm talking to. The other thing is, I CAN'T STAND to see, hear, watch, look at, myself on any form of recorded media. It drives me nuts! If you get comfortable being on video, then you're a better man than I am! 

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Comment by stephanebApril 1, 2019

Thanks for the comment.  After the first try, I can say that I haven't reached being a 'better man' than you yet (see here).  Very hard to watch oneself indeed - and I've always wondered why it is the case.  There must be something to be learned here. I am wondering if by keeping at it, it is possible to reach a point where watching oneself becomes less of a torture.

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