Rating Winners Announced for September + New Prizes for October
As you might recall, Dr. Cagri Tanriover won a iPad in August as part of the "Cleaning the Archives" effort.
For September, I tried a different incentive. Instead of one big prize, I said I would have a draw for 10 x $50 prizes. This didn't work very well, as only 700 or so ratings were recorded in September (as opposed to more than 5000 in August).
Consequently, the investment wasn't really good for me, but some members will be really happy to learn that they won the $50 even if they rated only a few threads.
Here is the list of members who will soon receive $50 through Paypal:
Rosh, wwensley, Maykel, Clifford, fabatera, srl100, Cryptoman, cfelton, hssathya, timkemp
If your username is there and you haven't received the $50 prize yet, please dot not worry as I am currently setting up the mass payment through Paypal and it should take a few days.
Now for October, I will go back to the bigger prize approach and offer the new iPod Touch ($300 value) to one winner. And if the number of ratings recorded exceed 3000, I will add a second iPod Touch for a second winner.
And for October, not only the ratings in the forums section will be counted, but also the ratings in the pdf documents section.
So go ahead and rate a few threads in the forums or a few pdf files to increase your chances of winning the new iPod Touch. But please don't forget to do it with care. For fairness sake, anyone who is found abusing the system will be disqualified.
And yes, the bloggers and partner members are eligible as well.
Thanks for your help!
Stephane Boucher

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