Now on Twitter + More Code Snippets Incentives
Now on Twitter!
Better late than never, the three related sites (DSPRelated, FPGARelated and EmbeddedRelated) now have their Twitter accounts. If you are already on Twitter, please consider following. I'll make sure to keep the tweets interesting and informative. Plus, once in a while, I will tweet a link where the first x persons to visit will receive a gift (book, gift certificate, etc).
More Code Snippets Incentives
The launch of the code snippets section on EmbeddedRelated went rather well, with 10 snippets submitted since the announcement.
As you probably already know, there is a reward system in place and one can earn up to $50 per code snippet submitted and approved (see the details in my previous blog).
For the month of March, in the hope to get more people to share useful snippets, I will complement the current reward system with some additional incentives.
On the first of April, I will, with the help of partner members, select 5 snippets submitted since the launch of the section that I think offer the most value to the visitors of EmbeddedRelated.com.
The individuals who will have submitted the selected snippets will each receive an extra $100 through Paypal.
Can you think of a piece of code that you wrote that could be potentially useful to other embedded systems experts? If you do, please go ahead and share it.
And as usual, thank you very much for helping me make EmbeddedRelated a great resource for Embedded Systems experts!

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