Imagine Conference

Code Snippets Winners Announced

Stephane BoucherApril 12, 20132 comments

Wow, thanks a lot for all the code snippets - I am pleasantly surprised by the quality of the code that has been shared and I am very grateful.  

Now, as you know, to give momentum to the section I had announced a special reward program for code snippets submitted by the end of March.

The partner members and I had a very hard time selecting the 5 "most useful" snippets out of the more than 50 who have been submitted. 

Here's our selection:

A simple software timer system, by "jrd":

MSP430 SPI-Master IO without interrupt, by "good_roots":

base64 Encoding, by Tyler Gilbert:

Debug print trace macro, by Clifford Slocombe:

Simple Bit Manipulation Macros, by Stephen Friederichs:

The authors of these fives snippets will each receive an extra $100 through Paypal.

All the others who have shared their code will receive $10 per code snippet submitted and approved, plus some more rewards if their snippet(s) generate some good traffic. 

As I said, it was a difficult process to select only 5 snippets.  Many others could have been selected - but because the budget is limited - we had to settle on 5.  I am sure that some members will agree and some will disagree with the selection, but it should not be taken too seriously. It was almost like a draw. 

Code submissions are still opened and you could still earn up to $50 per snippet submitted.

Thanks again for your participation and as always, your comments and suggestions are welcomed and appreciated!


Imagine Conference
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Comment by hairykiwiApril 12, 2013
Thanks for arranging the competition Stephane, and to everyone for sharing code. For novice and hobbyist programmers like myself looking to learn and improve, this is a fantastic resource.

One suggestion - please consider adding the share bar (twitter, etc) to each published code snippet page.
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Comment by stephanebApril 12, 2013
Thanks for the comment hairykiwi and great idea for the share bar - I will add it soon.

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