Success Story
A blog post has just broken the all-time record for the number of pageviews in 24 hours on the related sites. The blog post in question is titled Data Hiding in C and was written by Stephen Friederichs. It has been viewed by more than 7000 individuals since its publication a few days ago.
One reason that explains the success of this blog post is the wide appeal of the subject of the article (c programming) which allowed me to submit a link to the article in the programming subreddit, which has more than 400k subscribers. Now, if you know how Reddit works, you understand that the article needed to be well written and of interest to a majority of readers for the link to accumulate enough "upvotes" to stay high in the subreddit and attract so many visitors.
In any event, because his article has generated more than 5000 pageviews, Stephen will receive the maximum reward of $500 for this contribution.
Also, Stephen had submitted a code snippet (Stack Implementation with data hiding) to complement his article with an example. Because the code snippet has been viewed by more than 500 individuals, it has generated the maximum reward of $50 for him.
So in total, Stephen has earned $550 for his work.
If you would like to join the blogging team and maybe be part of the next success story (and earn rewards!), please contact me and let me know what you would like to write about. Tutorials and HowTos are particularily popular!
Thank you!

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Check out all the containers defined here: https://developer.gnome.org/glib/2.34/glib-data-types.html
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