
Presentation of Blog

Dr. Maykel AlonsoApril 18, 20111 comment

Hello all readers,

First of all if any of you want to know more about me, you could enter into my LinkedIn profile (link).

My intentions for this blog are to write some series of tutorials and manuals - maybe some new knowledge -  about the process of the creation of software related to embedded Software. I will try my bests to do that, and I will be open to discuss the posts/articles.

Please readers, you may notice that all the posts/articles will have a subjective point of view.

Finally, I hope to write some interestings posts/articles. See you in next publications...

In addition, I will also expose all my knowledge about porting uC-Linux to a board... 

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Comment by sandmanxyzMay 11, 2011
Looking forward to it. Good luck!

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