
HCS12 Books?

Started by mcu_guy November 15, 2002

Does anyone here know of any good books that teach the operation of
the HCS12 (with example code in C)?

Thanks for your suggestions.

Try this site http://www.ece.utexas.edu/~valvano/embed/toc1.htm

and these books Embedded Microcomputer Systems[29] W W Valvano

Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12/11Microcontrollers E Haskell

Software and Hardware Engineering:Motorola M68HC12 F M Cady, J M

Single and multi-chip Microcontroller Interfacing for the Motorola
68HC12[30] J Lipovski

Programming The Motorola M68HC12 Family [31] http://www.rtcgroup.com/books/
Gordon Doughman.

Embedded Microcontrollers [32] Todd D. Morton

-----Original Message-----
From: mcu_guy [mailto:]
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 12:44 PM
Subject: [68HC12] HCS12 Books? Greetings,

Does anyone here know of any good books that teach the operation of
the HCS12 (with example code in C)?

Thanks for your suggestions. --------------------