I started out on a USB slave project a year back using an LPC2106 + an FTDI chip for the USB link. This was going to cost a bit (two chips etc and the GPIO speed of the LPC21xx is quite slow which would have been a problem. As it turned out I ran out of time through last year, so restarted the project this year with an AT91SAM7S64 with onboard USB. I have not done much yet, but I can make these comments so far. Stuff I like: 1) I like the GPIO speed. You can software-clock a square wave out of a GPIO pin at more than twice the speed you can do it on an LPCxxx. 2) SPI can be run much faster (nice for my app). 3) I prefer being able to see my flash as flash, rather than through a convoluted Philips ISP/IAP interface. Stuff I don't like: 1) The LPC21xx's MAM and super-wide flash make execution faster for some code than an the SAM7. I am using the IAR workbench with JLink. The debugging is prety slick most of the time though every now and then the GUI crashes. I will be switching to gnu tools sometime soon (I prefer working with GNU and Linux). A few more USB examples would be a Good Thing. |
Re: General impressions of AT91SAM7 vs LPC21xx
Re: General impressions of AT91SAM7 vs LPC21xx
Re: General impressions of AT91SAM7 vs LPC21xx
Re: General impressions of AT91SAM7 vs LPC21xx
Re: General impressions of AT91SAM7 vs LPC21xx
Re: General impressions of AT91SAM7 vs LPC21xx