i m trying to write READ/ WRITE code for 24C64 with I2C standard, using
89c52, i m implementing my own I2C but having trouble with the code below that
it does not read any charachter. here is the code for this written in KEIL micro
#include <REG52.H> // Header
file for the 89C52 MCU
#include <STDIO.H> // Standard I/O header file
#include <STDIO.H> // Standard I/O header file
// Value Definitions
#define TRUE 0x01 // Value representing TRUE
#define FALSE 0x00 // Value representing FALSE
#define ON 0x01 // Value representing ON
#define OFF 0x00 // Value representing OFF
#define HIGH 1 // Value representing ON
#define LOW 0 // Value representing OFF
#define DELAY_BLINK 1500 // Value for delay time - blink
// Value Definitions
#define TRUE 0x01 // Value representing TRUE
#define FALSE 0x00 // Value representing FALSE
#define ON 0x01 // Value representing ON
#define OFF 0x00 // Value representing OFF
#define HIGH 1 // Value representing ON
#define LOW 0 // Value representing OFF
#define DELAY_BLINK 1500 // Value for delay time - blink
// I/O Port Defines
sbit SDATA = P1^0; // Serial data
sbit SCLK = P1^1; // Serial clock
// I/O Port Defines
sbit SDATA = P1^0; // Serial data
sbit SCLK = P1^1; // Serial clock
// I2C Peripheral Function Prototypes
// I2C Functions - Bit Banged
void i2c_start (void); // Sends I2C Start Trasfer
void i2c_stop (void); // Sends I2C Stop Trasfer
void i2c_write (unsigned char input_data); // Writes data over the I2C bus
unsigned long i2c_read (void); // Reads data from the I2C bus
// I2C Peripheral Function Prototypes
// I2C Functions - Bit Banged
void i2c_start (void); // Sends I2C Start Trasfer
void i2c_stop (void); // Sends I2C Stop Trasfer
void i2c_write (unsigned char input_data); // Writes data over the I2C bus
unsigned long i2c_read (void); // Reads data from the I2C bus
// Support Function Prototypes
// Support Function Prototypes
void initialize_system (void);
void delay_time (unsigned int time_end); // To pause execution for pre-determined time
void main (void)
long dum;
initialize_system ();
void delay_time (unsigned int time_end); // To pause execution for pre-determined time
void main (void)
long dum;
initialize_system ();
//dum= i2c_read();
//dum= i2c_read();
// I2C Functions - Bit Banged
// Routine: i2c_start
// Inputs: none
// Outputs: none
// Purpose: Sends I2C Start Trasfer
void i2c_start (void){
SDATA = HIGH; // Set data line high
SCLK = HIGH; // Set clock line high
SDATA = LOW; // Set data line low (START SIGNAL)
SCLK = LOW; // Set clock line low
// Routine: i2c_start
// Inputs: none
// Outputs: none
// Purpose: Sends I2C Start Trasfer
void i2c_start (void){
SDATA = HIGH; // Set data line high
SCLK = HIGH; // Set clock line high
SDATA = LOW; // Set data line low (START SIGNAL)
SCLK = LOW; // Set clock line low
// Routine: i2c_stop
// Inputs: none
// Outputs: none
// Purpose: Sends I2C Stop Trasfer
void i2c_stop (void){
unsigned char input_var;
SCLK = LOW; // Set clock line low
SDATA = LOW; // Set data line low
SCLK = HIGH; // Set clock line high
SDATA = HIGH; // Set data line high (STOP SIGNAL)
input_var = SDATA; // Put port pin into HiZ
// Routine: i2c_stop
// Inputs: none
// Outputs: none
// Purpose: Sends I2C Stop Trasfer
void i2c_stop (void){
unsigned char input_var;
SCLK = LOW; // Set clock line low
SDATA = LOW; // Set data line low
SCLK = HIGH; // Set clock line high
SDATA = HIGH; // Set data line high (STOP SIGNAL)
input_var = SDATA; // Put port pin into HiZ
// Routine: i2c_write
// Inputs: output byte
// Outputs: none
// Purpose: Writes data over the I2C bus
// Routine: i2c_write
// Inputs: output byte
// Outputs: none
// Purpose: Writes data over the I2C bus
/*void i2c_write(unsigned char output_data){
unsigned char index;
for(index = 0; index < 8; index++){ // Send 8 bits to
the I2C Bus
// Output the data bit to the I2C Bus
SDATA = ((output_data & 0x80) ? 1 : 0);
output_data <<= 1; // Shift the byte by one bit
SCLK = HIGH; // Clock the data into the I2C Bus
index = SDATA; // Put data pin into read mode
SCLK = HIGH; // Clock the ACK from the I2C Bus
// Routine: i2c_read
// Inputs: none
// Outputs: input byte
// Purpose: Reads data from the I2C bus
unsigned long i2c_read (void)
unsigned char index, input_data;
// Output the data bit to the I2C Bus
SDATA = ((output_data & 0x80) ? 1 : 0);
output_data <<= 1; // Shift the byte by one bit
SCLK = HIGH; // Clock the data into the I2C Bus
index = SDATA; // Put data pin into read mode
SCLK = HIGH; // Clock the ACK from the I2C Bus
// Routine: i2c_read
// Inputs: none
// Outputs: input byte
// Purpose: Reads data from the I2C bus
unsigned long i2c_read (void)
unsigned char index, input_data;
index = SDATA; // Put
data pin into read mode
input_data = 0x80;
for(index = 0; index < 7; index++) // Send 8 bits to the I2C Bus
input_data >>= 1; // Shift the byte by one bit
SCLK = HIGH; // Clock the data into the I2C Bus
input_data |= SDATA; // Input the data from the I2C Bus
input_data = 0x80;
for(index = 0; index < 7; index++) // Send 8 bits to the I2C Bus
input_data >>= 1; // Shift the byte by one bit
SCLK = HIGH; // Clock the data into the I2C Bus
input_data |= SDATA; // Input the data from the I2C Bus
return 'A';
// If wana initilize any thing then use this function
// If wana initilize any thing then use this function
void initialize_system (void)
SCON = 0x50; // SCON: mode 1, 8-bit UART, enable rcvr
TMOD |= 0x20; // TMOD: timer 1, mode 2, 8-bit reload
TH1 = -3; // TH1: reload value for 9200 baud @ 11.0592MHz
TR1 = 1; // TR1: timer 1 run
TI = 0; // TI: set TI to send first char of UART
SCON = 0x50; // SCON: mode 1, 8-bit UART, enable rcvr
TMOD |= 0x20; // TMOD: timer 1, mode 2, 8-bit reload
TH1 = -3; // TH1: reload value for 9200 baud @ 11.0592MHz
TR1 = 1; // TR1: timer 1 run
TI = 0; // TI: set TI to send first char of UART
// Routine: delay_time
// Inputs: counter value to stop delaying
// Outputs: none
// Purpose: To pause execution for pre-determined time
void delay_time (unsigned int time_end){
unsigned int index;
for (index = 0; index < time_end; index++);
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