
CFP: WCET Analysis Workshop 2009

Started by Niklas Holsti March 3, 2009
         Call for papers

  9th Int'l Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET'09)

          June 30, 2009
          Dublin, Ireland

  in conjunction with the 21th ECRTS conference:


The Euromicro Technical Committee organizes a number of satellite
events attached to its 21th International Real-Time Systems
Conference. This workshop is the ninth in the series of WCET 
workshops that started at the 2001 Euromicro conference. The 
workshop is organised and funded by the ArtistDesign Network of 
Excellence, http://www.artist-embedded.org/artist/.

The goal of the workshop is to bring together people from academia, 
tool vendors and users in industry who are interested in all 
aspects of timing analysis for real-time systems. The workshop 
fosters a highly interactive format with ample time for in-depth 
discussions. It provides a relaxed forum to present and discuss new 
ideas, new research directions, and to review current trends in 
this area. The presentations will be kept short to leave plenty of 
time for interaction of attendees.


The topics of the workshop include any issue related to timing
analysis, in particular:

- Different approaches to WCET computation
- Flow analysis for WCET, loop bounds, feasible paths
- Low-level timing analysis, modeling and analysis of
   processor features
- Strategies to reduce the complexity of WCET analysis
- Integration of WCET and schedulability analysis
- Evaluation, case studies, benchmarks
- Measurement-based WCET analysis
- Tools for WCET analysis
- Program and processor design for timing predictability
- Integration of WCET analysis in development processes
- Compiler optimizations for worst-case paths
- WCET analysis for multi-threaded and multi-core systems.

Statements which are innovative, controversial, or that present new
approaches are specially sought.


     Submission deadline:              April 13
     Notification of acceptance:       to be defined
     Submission of corrected papers:   June 13
     Broadcast of papers to attendees: June 19
     Workshop:                         June 30
     Final version of papers:          September 7


Papers for the workshop must be written in English, should not 
exceed 10 pages in the specified format, and should be submitted in 
PDF via the MyReview system at


Formatting instructions and templates are given at the workshop


Authors of accepted papers may be required to prepare and submit a
corrected version of their paper. All papers will be made available 
to all participants a week before the workshop so that 
contributions can be examined prior to the workshop.

After the workshop authors will be asked to produce for publication
an updated final version of their paper that includes the issues
covered in the discussions. The deadline for these final versions
is September 7, 2009. The workshop proceedings with the final
papers will be published by the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) as
OCG Schriftenreihe (with ISBN number).

     Niklas Holsti, Tidorum Ltd., Finland

     Adam Betts          Rapita Systems Ltd., UK
     Bj�rn Lisper        University of M�lardalen, Sweden
     Christine Rochange  IRIT, University of Toulouse, France
     Isabelle Puaut      IRISA Rennes, France
     Johan Lilius        �bo Akademi University, Finland
     Pascal Montag       Daimler AG, Germany
     Paul Lokuciejewski  Technische Universit�t Dortmund, Germany
     Peter Altenbernd    University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt,
     Raimund Kirner      Vienna University of Technology, Austria
     Reinhard Wilhelm    Saarland University, Germany
     Tulika Mitra        National University of Singapore, Singapore
     Tullio Vardanega    University of Padua, Italy

     Guillem Bernat      Rapita Systems Ltd., UK
     Jan Gustafsson      University of M�lardalen, Sweden
     Peter Puschner      Technical University of Vienna, Austria

Niklas Holsti
Tidorum Ltd
niklas holsti tidorum fi
       .      @       .