
Intel 386EXTC embedded processor "Chip Select"

Started by learner July 19, 2004
I am a newbee to this processor and trying to using ChipSelect feature
available in this processor. Is the "CHIP Select" unit activated only
by BIOS. If I connect Flash to UCS and SRAM to CS0 and just load
assembly language file in FLASH, is it not possible to use CS? Will I
have to load a BIOS telling the processor that CS0 is for SRAM and UCS
is for FLASh?
learner wrote:
> Hi, > I am a newbee to this processor and trying to using ChipSelect feature > available in this processor. Is the "CHIP Select" unit activated only > by BIOS. If I connect Flash to UCS and SRAM to CS0 and just load > assembly language file in FLASH, is it not possible to use CS? Will I > have to load a BIOS telling the processor that CS0 is for SRAM and UCS > is for FLASh?
On powerup/reset UCS/ is active for all memory addresses. The other chip selects are inactive until you reduce the memory selected by UCS/ and program a memory range for CS0/
sonalsingh28@yahoo.com (learner) wrote in message news:<40cfbbf5.0407191057.488bdaee@posting.google.com>...
> Hi, > I am a newbee to this processor and trying to using ChipSelect feature > available in this processor. Is the "CHIP Select" unit activated only > by BIOS. If I connect Flash to UCS and SRAM to CS0 and just load > assembly language file in FLASH, is it not possible to use CS? Will I > have to load a BIOS telling the processor that CS0 is for SRAM and UCS > is for FLASh?
You have to have your boot code on flash connected to UCS. The processor comes up and runs the code at 16 bytes from the top of the device on UCS, so you need a jump to your boot code there. Your boot code should set up chip selects early before you try to use any data or stack. The CS's are tricky to program, read the chip user's manual. Intel used to have Appbuilder tool that would help too. Or try Rabbit instead: www.rabbitsemiconductor.com
> Thanks > Learner
Jim Stewart <jstewart@jkmicro.com> wrote in message news:<CJ6dnR-MVMlvumHdRVn-jw@omsoft.com>...
> learner wrote: > > Hi, > > I am a newbee to this processor and trying to using ChipSelect feature > > available in this processor. Is the "CHIP Select" unit activated only > > by BIOS. If I connect Flash to UCS and SRAM to CS0 and just load > > assembly language file in FLASH, is it not possible to use CS? Will I > > have to load a BIOS telling the processor that CS0 is for SRAM and UCS > > is for FLASh? > > On powerup/reset UCS/ is active for all memory addresses. > The other chip selects are inactive until you reduce > the memory selected by UCS/ and program a memory range > for CS0/
Thanks Jim, If I understand correctly, I will have to write a assembly language program to reduce the memory range of UCS and provide a memory range for CS0.In the User manual for the processor, there is a C program for UCS and CS4 in Chapter6. Can I just change CS4 to CS0 and memory range to make it work? Also can this information be loaded in FLASH since I donot have a BIOS? Thanks again for helping Learner