Imagine Conference

Best starter/dev board for learning embedded Linux

Started by vorange August 7, 2009

     what's the best board for learning embedded linux.  I'd like a
small not-too-expensive board which comes with a manual and examples
that takes me step by step from the basics to the advanced level.  I'd
like to learn as much as possible about it and take advantage of free
libraries to interface with various peripherals (act as a usb host,
save to an SD card, save to a usb attached hard drive, use ethernet..
etc).  I'd like knowledge on how to write my own drivers to interface
with these peripharals in addition to using freely available drivers
out there.

Basically what I'm looking for is a structured course which takes me
from clueless to knowledgeable.

I'd like to go with a chip which has pins rather than bga so i can
incorporate it into my future board designs without having to send it
for expensive assembly.  I'm thinking some kind of ARM9 chip with as
few pins as necessary.

Any suggestions of such a board/course package that is not costing an
arm and a leg and does not require me to fly to some city and stay in
a hotel for 3 days of lessons.  I'd like to learn on my own.

Thanks very much
On Aug 7, 4:16=A0am, vorange <orange...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi, > > =A0 =A0 =A0what's the best board for learning embedded linux. =A0I'd like=
> small not-too-expensive board which comes with a manual and examples > that takes me step by step from the basics to the advanced level. =A0I'd > like to learn as much as possible about it and take advantage of free > libraries to interface with various peripherals (act as a usb host, > save to an SD card, save to a usb attached hard drive, use ethernet.. > etc). =A0I'd like knowledge on how to write my own drivers to interface > with these peripharals in addition to using freely available drivers > out there. > > Basically what I'm looking for is a structured course which takes me > from clueless to knowledgeable. > > I'd like to go with a chip which has pins rather than bga so i can > incorporate it into my future board designs without having to send it > for expensive assembly. =A0I'm thinking some kind of ARM9 chip with as > few pins as necessary. > > Any suggestions of such a board/course package that is not costing an > arm and a leg and does not require me to fly to some city and stay in > a hotel for 3 days of lessons. =A0I'd like to learn on my own. > > Thanks very much
Is this board any good linux experts? http://wiki.emqbit.com/free-ecb-at91
well i guess this one should be one of the candidates:

I bought it a few weeks ago, it came with some really detailed tutorial
documents, illustrating almost every aspect about Embedded Linux and WinCE
development, also they provided a full set of well-done Linux BSP, the BSP
was provided as both source code and binaries, I guess I can take it as an
example to study a lot.

well i guess this one should be one of the candidates:
it came with some really detailed tutorial documents, illustrating
almost every aspect about Embedded Linux and WinCE development, also
they provided a full set of well-done Linux BSP, the BSP was provided
as both source code and binaries and supply good technique
support.you can see they web introduce:http://www.armkits.com or
>hello >well i guess this one should be one of the candidates: >http://www.armkits.com/Product/sbc6000x.asp >it came with some really detailed tutorial documents, illustrating >almost every aspect about Embedded Linux and WinCE development, also >they provided a full set of well-done Linux BSP, the BSP was provided >as both source code and binaries and supply good technique >support.you can see they web introduce:http://www.armkits.com or >http://www.embedinfo.com >
www.embeddedarm.com - Technologic Systems makes ARM and PPC embedded PC-104 boards with Linux.

Imagine Conference