Hello, I am using XDS510 USB emulator. I am able to reset my emulator but unable to detect it. Getting below error in sdconfig ** Checking for a valid emulator/eZdsp $$ You are connected to: $$ EmuProductName=XDS510USB $$ EmuPortAddr=0x510 $$ EmuPortMode=USB $$ ProductId=510 $$ ProductVersion=84 ** Checking emulator/eZdsp scan connection ** Emulator Test ** $$ EmuProductName=XDS510USB $$ EmuPortAddr=0x510 $$ EmuPortMode=USB $$ ProductId=510 $$ ProductVersion=84 ** Emulator Scan Test ERROR >> JTAG IR scan test failed >> Check power to your emulator/eZdsp >> Then check your port mode/address Please let me know what could be the problem? Regards, --------------------------------------- This message was sent using the comp.arch.embedded web interface on http://www.EmbeddedRelated.com
JTAG Error!
Started by ●October 8, 2009