
New Microchip PIC32 Microcontrollers have Lots of Everything (2 CAN 2.0b, Ethernet, lots more)

Started by Bill Giovino November 21, 2009

New Microchip PIC32 Microcontrollers have two CAN 2.0b interfaces and a 10/100 Ethernet 
interface on the same chip.

Article includes a competitive benchmark and a useful block diagram.

- Bill Giovino
  Executive Editor

On Nov 22, 10:44=A0am, "Bill Giovino" <contac...@microcontroller-
nospam.com> wrote:
> http://www.microcontroller.com/news/microchip_pic32_mx5_mx6_mx7.asp > > New Microchip PIC32 Microcontrollers have two CAN 2.0b interfaces and a 1=
0/100 Ethernet
> interface on the same chip. > > Article includes a competitive benchmark and a useful block diagram.
A more significant announcement, was this one for the LPC11xx series ? : http://www.nxp.com/news/content/file_1642.html " unit pricing in 10,000 piece quantities for the 33-pin package is: LPC1111FHN33/101 at US$0.65, LPC1112FHN33/101 at $0.75, LPC1113FHN33/201 at $0.85, and LPC1114FHN33/201 at $0.95, with Flash sizes of 8K, 16K, 24K and 32K respectively. In addition, 48-pin LPQFP and PLCC44 packages will be available for socketed applications." -jg
On Nov 21, 4:44=A0pm, "Bill Giovino" <contac...@microcontroller-
nospam.com> wrote:
> http://www.microcontroller.com/news/microchip_pic32_mx5_mx6_mx7.asp > > New Microchip PIC32 Microcontrollers have two CAN 2.0b interfaces and a 1=
0/100 Ethernet
> interface on the same chip. > > Article includes a competitive benchmark and a useful block diagram. > > - Bill Giovino > =A0 Executive Editor > =A0http://Microcontroller.com
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving break ! For anyone interested in the PIC32, we got the CodeSourcery G++ running on this family for a product we shipped earlier this year. Details here: http://www.nadler.com/embedded/EmbeddedProjectsIndex.html Anyone else on this group using PIC32 ? Best Regards, Dave