Memfault Beyond the Launch

Evaluation of real time kernel performance

Started by brOS March 19, 2010
hi all,

I'm wondering what are the main parameters when talking about kernel
performance...and when I say kernel I mean basic stuff, like context
switching, blocking time, time for finding task of the highest priority

I am familiar with following parameters:
-interrupt latency(which is, as I understand, directly proportional to
length of sections of code where interrupts are disabled)
- task response time(time needed for task to respond to external event,
meaning time from registering interrupt, to starting task by signaling for
example semaphore from interrupt)
-jitter (interrupt latency jitter and task response time jitter)

I think it is usual to measure highest task response time, am I right?

Are there  more  parameters which are important for real time krenels?	   
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Memfault Beyond the Launch