About a month ago, I gave a very good rundown on a new PIC32 based Micro-controller-Computer system that was about to be released. These boards arrived yesterday, and prices start at around $33. Just add a PS2 keyboard, and a VGA monitor, and you have your Micro-controller-Computer system. This is an open source hardware & software project. Olimex-DuinoMite: http://www.dontronics-shop.com/olimex-duinomite.html Olimex-DuinoMite-Mega: http://www.dontronics-shop.com/olimex-duinomite-mega.html Olimex-DuinoMite-Mini: http://www.dontronics-shop.com/olimex-duinomite-mini.html Cheers Don... ================ -- Don McKenzie Dontronics Site Map: http://www.dontronics.com/sitemap E-Mail Contact Page: http://www.dontronics.com/email Web Camera Page: http://www.dontronics.com/webcam No More Damn Spam: http://www.dontronics.com/spam
DuinoMite, the Maximite compatible is now available.
Started by ●November 15, 2011