
install gnu toolchain for Cortex-M3

Started by cerr December 22, 2011
ChrisQ <meru@devnull.com> wrote:
> Checking notes: list of gnu and other packages installed > to support toolchain builds: > > autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, bzip2, flex, gcc, texinfo, > gmp, libgcc, libiconv, m4, make, gmp, mpfr, perl, ppl > > Not all these may be required, but make, flex, bison, texinfo, m4 > definately are and the gmp, mpfr and ppl libraries are required > for later gcc revsions. The catch being, of course, that later > Cortex such as m0 are only supported by later gcc versions :-).
The GMP, MPFR and MPC libraries can be automatically built by the GCC build process, just unpack the sources into subfolders inside the GCC source tree. <http://gcc.gnu.org/install/prerequisites.html> has the details. -a
On 12/24/11 21:01, Anders.Montonen@kapsi.spam.stop.fi.invalid wrote:

> > The GMP, MPFR and MPC libraries can be automatically built by the GCC build process, > just unpack the sources into subfolders inside the GCC source tree. > <http://gcc.gnu.org/install/prerequisites.html> has the details. > > -a
That's true, but then you don't have the opportunity of doing the make tests for the libraries, which is the only way to ensure that the build is correct... Regards, Chris
Thank you all very much for the valuable information!
I don't "just" wanna give up but will have to see how much time I get
to invest for this these days. I think i'll probably need to spit out
some eval-findings report in the first week of January...
I'll dig a bit further and if that won't do it, i'll swtich to a pre
built tool chain from Code Sourcery e.g.
Again, Thanks very much for the assistance!
It's much appreciated!

Typo above, excellent tool was CodeSourcery.
I'm using CodeRed now on a different project, also great.
Good luck,
Best Regards, Dave