
Searching for webserver board/module with some I/O

Started by Stef July 10, 2012
In comp.arch.embedded,
Stef <stef33d@yahooI-N-V-A-L-I-D.com.invalid> wrote:
> For a demo project we want to use a webserver interface to some simple > hardware. The initial demo will be 3 devices and after that a very small > annular volume. For that reason we don't want to invest too much in > hardware/software development and are searching for an off the shelf > product. I thought I would find that in a minute, but so far I have > been unsuccessfull. What we would like:
Thank you all for your input. Most of the suggested boards require too much work on the software and I/O interfaceing for such a low volume project. I have stored the options for when the volume of this, or another, project exceeds the expectations. We have decided to go with the fdm88, which I stumbled upon during this search. The most obvious downside right now is the ladder programming. But this is such a small control program that I think I can manage. And if not, we have people in the company who are much more familiar with ladder programming who can help or just do the 'entire' software. -- Stef (remove caps, dashes and .invalid from e-mail address to reply by mail) How can you think and hit at the same time? -- Yogi Berra