
FTDI4232H & DAC problem

Started by averwind January 28, 2013
Earlier I was able to interface with a ADC (ADS7871) using the SPI
interface provided by FTDI. It was really a struggle but that it is working
quite good now.

Now I am trying to interface with a DAC which is AD5420AREZ from Analog
Devices (
http://www.analog.com/static/imported-files/data_sheets/AD5410_5420.pdf ).
The pin assignments are as follows:

ADBUS0 -> SK = Serial Clock - Connect to AD5420's SCLK (Pin-8).
ADBUS1 -> DO = Serial Data Output (MOSI on slave device) - Connect to
AD5420's SDIN (Pin-9).
ADBUS2 ->DI = Serial Data Input (MISO on slave device) - Connect to
AD5420's SDO (Pin-10).
ADBUS3 -> CS = Chip Select for slave device - Not used on AD5420 so not
ADBUS4 -> GPIO-1 - AD5420's /FAULT (Pin-3).
ADBUS5 -> GPIO-2 - AD5420's CLEAR (Pin-6).
ADBUS6 -> GPIO-3 - AD5420's LATCH (Pin-7).
ADBUS7 -> GPIO-4 - Not used.

These assignments should be working fine but please let me know if you see
something wrong. 

My biggest problem is I do not know how to control GPIOL pins and there are
no GPIOH pins for FTDI4232H. I have no idea how I can SET the LATCH/CLEAR
signal or how I can read the /FAULT signal.

The following is what I based my code on for reading from ADC.



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