Imagine Conference

FINAL CfP Ada-Europe 2014, Dec 15 submission deadline

Started by Dirk Craeynest December 11, 2013

             FINAL Call for Papers / Tutorials / Workshops

                    19th International Conference on
            Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2014

                     23-27 June 2014, Paris, France


            Organized by Ada-France on behalf of Ada-Europe,
            in cooperation with ACM SIGAda, SIGBED, SIGPLAN

         The 19th International Conference on Reliable Software
        Technologies - Ada-Europe 2014 will take place in Paris,
       France.  As per its traditional style, the conference will
      span a full week, including, from Tuesday to Thursday, three
    days of parallel scientific, technical and industrial programs,
        along with tutorials and workshops on Monday and Friday.

                *** DEADLINE Sunday 15 December 2013 ***

                       Regular Papers: submit via

              Tutorials: submit to the Tutorial co-Chairs
                       <Liliana.Cucu at inria.fr>
                      <Albert.Llemosi at uib.cat>

                 Workshops: submit to the General Chair
                          <Rosen at adalog.fr>

      For more information please see the full Call for Papers at


Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
Please circulate widely.

Dirk Craeynest, Ada-Europe'2014 Publicity Chair

Imagine Conference