Imagine Conference

Press Release - Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2015

Started by Dirk Craeynest June 15, 2015

                      FINAL Call for Participation

                    *** UPDATED Program Summary ***

                    20th International Conference on
            Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2015
                     22-26 June 2015, Madrid, Spain
         *** Full Program available on conference web site ***
             *** Check out the tutorials and workshops! ***
             *** Printed proceedings available at event ***
                         *** Register now! ***


Press release:

20th Ada-Europe Conference on Reliable Software Technologies

International experts meet in Madrid

Madrid (15 June 2015) - Ada-Spain and Ada-Europe organize from 22 to
26 June 2015 the "20th International Conference on Reliable Software
Technologies - Ada-Europe 2015" in Madrid, Spain.  The event is
organized in cooperation with ACM's Special Interest Groups on Ada
(SIGAda), on Embedded Systems (SIGBED), and on Programming Languages
(SIGPLAN), and with the Ada Resource Association (ARA).

The Ada-Europe series of conferences has become established as a
successful international forum for providers, practitioners and
researchers in all aspects of reliable software technologies.
These events highlight the increased relevance of Ada in safety-
and security-critical systems, and provide a unique opportunity
for interaction and collaboration between academics and industrial

This year's conference offers two days of tutorials and workshops,
three keynotes, a full technical program of refereed papers and
industrial presentations, an industrial exhibition and vendor
presentations, an Ada Lovelace Bicentennial Celebration, and a
social program.

Nine excellent tutorials on Monday and Friday cover a broad range
of topics: Parallelism in Ada, Today and Tomorrow; Probabilistic
Timing Analysis; Real-Time and Embedded Programming with Ada 2012;
Access Types and Memory Management in Ada 2012; Designing and Checking
Coding Standards for Ada; Ada 2012 (Sub)type and Subprogram Contracts
in Practice; When Ada meets Python: Extensibility through Scripting;
Software Measures for Dependable Software Systems; Software Design
Concepts and Pitfalls.

In addition, on Monday there's a workshop on "Challenges and new
Approaches for Dependable and Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering"
(De-CPS 2015), and on Friday a workshop on "Architecture Centric
Virtual Integration" (ACVI 2015).

Three eminent keynote speakers have been invited to open each day of
the core conference program.  Jon P�rez, in "IEC-61508 Certification
of Mixed-Criticality Systems based on Multicore and Partitioning",
presents a certification strategy to achieve conformance with
IEC-61508 in the development of a wind-turbine mixed-criticality
system running on a modern multicore processor.  Javier Rodr�guez, in
"Software Development of Safety-Critical Railway Systems", presents a
strategy to develop a wide range of safety-critical systems in order
to achieve conformance with safety standards by reviewing all the
lifecycle of the software.  Andras Balazs, in "The Central On-Board
Computer of the Philae Lander in the Context of the Rosetta Space
Mission", gives a brief overview of the objectives and highlights
of the Rosetta-Philae comet mission, followed by an outline of the
major hardware and software design aspects.

The technical program presents 12 refereed and carefully selected
papers on the latest research, new tools, applications and industrial
practice and experience, a collection of 9 industrial presentations
reflecting current practice and challenges, 3 presentations in a "work
in progress" session, vendor presentations, and a special "Ada Lovelace
Bicentennial" session to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Lady Ada
Lovelace's birth on December 10, 1815.  Springer Verlag publishes
keynote talks and all peer-reviewed papers in the proceedings of the
conference, as LNCS Vol. 9111.  The remainder of the proceedings
will be published in the Ada User Journal, the quarterly magazine
of Ada-Europe.

The industrial exhibition opens Tuesday morning and runs until the end
of Thursday afternoon.  Exhibitors include AdaCore, Rapita Systems,
Vector Software, and Ada-Europe.

The social program includes a "Welcome Cocktail" on Tuesday evening,
and on Wednesday evening the traditional Ada-Europe Conference
Banquet will be held at Club de Campo Villa de Madrid, a country
club located at the outskirts of the city, with magnificent views.
Each day, coffee breaks in the exhibition area and sit-down lunches
offer ample time for interaction and networking.

The Best Paper Award will be presented during the Conference Banquet,
the Best Presentation Award during the Closing session.

The conference is hosted by ETSIT-UPM, the engineering school of the
Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Polit�cnica de Madrid),
which covers teaching and research in all fields related to Information
and Communications Technology, and is one of the leading institutions
in that field in Spain.

The full program is available on the conference web site.
Online registration is still possible.


Latest updates:

The 16-page "Advance Program" is available at

Check out the 9 tutorials in the PDF program, or in the schedule at

Use the ready-to-print poster available at

Recommended Twitter hashtags: #AdaEurope and/or #AdaEurope2015.

The proceedings, published by Springer Verlag as Lecture Notes in
Computer Science Vol. 9111, are ready and will be distributed at
the conference.  See <http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319195834>.

Registration fees are very reasonable and the registration process
is done on-line.  Don't delay!  For all details, see

For the latest information consult the conference web site


Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
Please circulate widely.

Dirk.Craeynest@cs.kuleuven.be, Ada-Europe'2015 Publicity Chair

*** 20th Intl.Conf.on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe'2015
*** June 22-26, 2015 **** Madrid, Spain **** http://www.ada-europe.org

Imagine Conference